As many of you know, I am aiming to conduct a research study into which subspecies of Spanish Boy makes the best lover. Now, there are 17 autonomous regions of Spain. So. I thought I would try to point out some of the different subspecies of Spanish Boy since there are 17.
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This is an example from Asturias. Now, the question is...Asturias produced the world's hottest man...but is he an exception or an example of the type of subspecies of Spanish Boy that Asturias produces?
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This is a Catalan, from Catalunya in their native tongue of catalán. Notice the cold look in the eyes typical of a Catalán. The Catalanes do not consider themselves to be Spanish unless Spain wins the EuroCup...then suddenly they are very Spanish. Think of Quebec. (The language he speaks in there that's not English is Spanish, not Catalán, if you were curious. The Catalans are bilingual but act as if Catalán is the only language in the entire world).
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This is a Basque, from País Vasco. They speak Euskera which is like you take a normal language and put a bunch of "x's" after every letter.
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This is a madrileño, though you would be hard pressed for any Spanish Boy to admit that he is from their country.
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This is another example of madrileño. Even madrileñAs are hot...look at his sisters Penélope and Mónica! (Not work safe)
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This is an Andalucían. Andalucía could be compared to Texas as it's in the south, the largest region of Spain, and they speak a southern accent version of castellano. This andaluciano unfortunately sold out, married Melanie Griffith and got disowned by Almodóvar and the rest of the country, losing his attractiveness the more he spoke English.
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These are valencianos. They are evidently muy morbosos. Valencia is a delightful mix of their own catalán, valenciano (language or dialect? You be the judge!) and Spanish with a lot of paella.
Más ejemplos más tarde!