Next round: D-Motion. IhatethissongIhateitIhateitIhateit
I think you know how "big" my love towards Kame is...
So, D-Motion. I watched the MS performance and I was like "WTF?!". Those effects are horrible. But I'll stop ranting about the song for now, let's just take a look at the PV...
I think someone told them that they can't dance synchronized.
Or maybe they had to reduce the costs by firing the choreographer?
Anyway. A cheap set. AGAIN.
But Kôki's cool and all. I like his hair.
He's quite popular in this PV. *laughs*
Ueda - pretty and sweet as always.
BAD BAKANISHI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I feel ashamed to be a fan of yours. DDD:
Which singer shows himself in a PV smoking???!! Srsly! 1. you're an idol, even if you don't wanna be aware of that, 2. it's bad for your voice and your lungs and...!!!
This makes me sad. Really. I loved his voice. D:
Kame's turn again. As I said, obviously, the cameraman is in love with him.
Kame trying to show how suitable his hair is for any shampoo CM...
To be honest, the only part I really liked was the first solo line of Nakamaru. I guess it's because I'm used to listen to his beat box which sounds familiar to those strange electro effects...
More Kame!
Some Kôki...
...and Kame again. I'm not kidding. It's not 70%, but at least 55% KAME ONLY.
What a camerawhore. DD:
ASDFGHJKL;!!! Those!! GLASSES!!!! I could have been so pretty...!! ;_____;
...yeah, whatever.
Btw, it kinda annoyes me that Kame's solo song is the only song on that Single which sounds really nice.
Was Jin's song in English? Like, completely? Cause I couldn't understand a word....
I'm impressed. They also got some nice "colored" solo shots.
But there's always a Kame somewhere...
He should get more solo lines. D:
You can't escape from him...
Somehow, the last cap makes me laugh.
Dislike the song (well, the melody is okay, it's even kinda catchy, but the effects...! they ruin everything. D:), dislike the PV, dislike the Kame-heaviness, dislike Jin's hair and glasses and cigarette.
I hope they'll release a better single SOON.