Dec 18, 2008 00:12
- 15:38 At the car dealership. Should be here for another hour and a half. Thank god for wifi and a laptop.
- 23:36 another long day. But at least it was good. I gotta get more reliable about my twittering little mundane minutia in my life.
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Dec 17, 2008 00:23
- 15:51 At Firestone cause I desperately needed new tires for the upcoming roadtrip to Orlando. Now, I play Phoenix Wright while I ait for Cristina.
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Dec 14, 2008 00:16
- 17:49 I'm in line to ride Montu at Busch Gardens on a free trip chaperoning with Cristina. Yep. Today did NOT suck. :)
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Dec 13, 2008 00:14
- 12:35 Done reviewing for the midterms. Now all that's left is to let them take the damn thing. Woo. I so need this vacation. Bad!
- 22:23 I found my missing copy of Elite Beat Agents two weeks after I rebought it. I freakin KNEW this would happen.
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Dec 12, 2008 00:06
- 00:36 Must wake in 4 hours then drop off Cristina's sub-supplies, get copies made, turn in midterm, write do-now work, grade and plan. I'm fucked.
- 00:44 Just laid back down SMACK into the metal headboard. it was like an aluminum baseball bat upside the head. I bet it leaves a bump. :(
- 12:43 Vocabulary Jeopardy! is a resoundingly HUGE success! I'm
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Dec 11, 2008 00:10
- 00:27 suddenly, I get twitter. now I need more twitter friends. damnit! oh well, for now I sleep.
- 14:52 CHRISTMAS HAS COME EARLY FOR MR. MONTES! My most loathed student has apparently failed the FCAT five or six times. He is leaving my class!
- 22:23 I'm so overworked all of a sudden; I think I may have a breakdown. Help!
- 22:49 Why do I do what I do
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Dec 10, 2008 00:19
- 15:33 It's only Tuesday? Oh, son of a bitch!
- 23:48 Done with my midterm. Finally. Done with the study guide. Finally. Done with my grading? Not quite, but getting there.
- 23:56 I have to upload the CUTEST picture one of my students did of me. Maybe I'll scan it now after I pack up my bag.
- 23:57 The look for KickApps looks like a blue guy taking a
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Dec 09, 2008 00:06
- 00:23 ALMOST done with this stupid midterm. I'll be glad to be rid of it.
- 00:30 My twitter friends include 1 Australian I've never met, a Dark Lord of the Sith, a comic artist and five of his fictional characters. Hrm...
- 13:58 Grading, Grading, Grading, Grading, Grading. Still tweaking the midterm too. My job is never over!
- 14:28 The afternoon
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Dec 07, 2008 00:07
- 08:11 Let the dull class begin, for the last time. Hurray!
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Dec 06, 2008 00:08
- 16:04 At home. Throat still sore. Another week done. Midterm will be done by Monday and then I can relax!
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