I woke up the other day with this story in my head and had to write it down. if you guys want to read it, click below.
The Eternal Tower
Chapter One
“There have been stories about Grandfather John designing the Tower,” he began, settled in his chair by the fire while his wife Bess prepared dinner and their children listened eagerly from the hearth rug. Richard smiled down at the seven curious faces, three resembling a mixture of him and Bess, and the other four a hodgepodge of children, though he loved them no less for it. Their house, while being a fine example of an urban merchant’s home, was also an unofficial orphanage. Citizens or travelers who couldn’t afford to keep their children would drop them off on their doorstep and ring the bell. Often there was no note about the child or where he or she came from, but that didn’t mean he or Bess turned them away. They cared for the children as they did their own, provided education and apprenticeships if the children chose, and often included the older ones in family decision making.
Johnny, tiny little boy he had been when they had found him on their doorstep, was now a strapping young lad of sixteen. He was already taller than Richard himself, with broad shoulders, a beautiful face, golden hair and the greenest eyes you’d ever see. He was strong and athletic, excelling at his chosen equestrian apprenticeship. By a stroke of luck, Richard had managed to secure Johnny an apprenticeship a few years ago with the Duke’s Master of Horse and Johnny had succeeded so far in winning his favor. He was an able lad, with a quick wit and the sense to keep his tongue still when the time called for it. Johnny also knew to learn quickly and prove his worth, which he had done in a few short years. He knew all the breeds by name and sight, and without skipping a beat he could rattle off how many hands each horse was, and would be correct within one either way. That had certainly impressed Lord Malcolm enough to promote Johnny to the manager of the stables, answering only to Malcolm and his own personal assistant.
Johnny was sitting at the scrubbed wooden table with Richard Junior, helping their mother peel potatoes while listening to their father’s story. They had heard it so many times that they knew it by heart, but that didn’t mean they disliked listening to it time and time again. On the contrary, they enjoyed their father’s stories as much as Richard enjoyed telling them. Now, Richard Junior was a year older than Johnny but they were very close in height and athletic ability. He was a boy following after his father in looks, with the characteristic long nose of their family, dark hair and eyes, with a quick wit and coarse humor. Junior decided very early on that he wanted to be a knight and currently he was a courier in the Duke’s household, proving himself worthy of a higher position every day. Bess had secured this position for their son through her sister, who was the wife of the Duke’s Secretary, William Larne. Now, Larne was a man of strict disposition and hated to see anybody go against conventional methods. Unfortunately Junior had been born with his mother’s brains and had too many good ideas to keep to himself. Luckily, Larne could be sensible in a good mood.
Richard and Bess’ two other natural children were Elizabeth, 13, and Peter, 9. They were both slight and dark, like their father, though Elizabeth had every bit of fire her mother possessed, which sometimes could make up for her slight physical body. She had always had an active interest in the family business and while it wasn’t common for women to take over from their fathers, Richard found nothing wrong with it. She was smart, able, and eager to learn. He would be proud leaving his home and business in her hands. Peter was a smart, quiet boy, with the ability to do anything he set his mind to. He had already learned to read and write in their native tongue and was currently studying with the monks of the local monastery. He now wanted to be a scribe, though his childhood dream was to become a monk, but Bess wouldn’t have that. So instead he was aspiring to become a scribe or a bookkeeper, wherever he could find an apprenticeship in a few years’ time.
Their three other adopted children were Edward, 13, and the twin girls Rowan and Avalon, 7. Edward had much the same leanings as Elizabeth and enjoyed learning from Richard, whom he had called master for only a year now. Richard could tell that within five years, the two of them would be engaged. Edward didn’t consider any of them family, expect perhaps the youngest girls, who had come into their household only a few months after he had. So they were all becoming accustomed to living in a large family home. They all had to pitch in and Edward had decided to learn the family trade alongside Elizabeth. That was fine with Richard, who in his wisdom knew the two would be married within a decade. Learning side-by-side would help their marriage and future business ventures. Obviously the girls were currently learning basic feminine skills such as cooking, sewing, mending, spinning, weaving, general bookkeeping and cleaning. They would make fine wives one day.
It's obviously not finished or nearly developed like it should be, but I'm just setting up the characters. If you read it, what do you think? Where do you see it going? What would you like to see?