M'kay. So the doujin I ordered came in, so here are some pics to fangirl over. I don't have a scanner here, so you'll have to put up with some really bad pics of pages that I liked.
So Unnecessary Feeling (or Unnecessaru Feelings, but I'll give the poor Japanese authors a break) by CrazyQueil is really pretty but I honestly have no idea what's going on. The first part is Tyki and Allen fighting in the arc with little flashbacks to the chinese forest and their meeting on the train, then the second part is Tyki waking up from a nap and talking to the Earl and I have no clue what's happening. All the pages have this amazingly pretty border that'll be a bitch to duplicate when I need to clean it, but it'll look AMAZING x 5. Here's the double-page pic. Click for a bigger picture.
So, the next one is Lost Sheep Last Visions by Epos and it's supposed to take place just before Lavi goes to China and Allen goes to Jordan. Basically, Lavi finds Allen sleeping in the library and is all, "Well, better let him get some sleep" (Lavi needs to read more fanfic--clearly he's supposed to make out with Allen), but just as he's leaving the 14th wakes up. I have no idea what they talk about but they don't even kiss. I mean, c'mon Neah! As a Noah you're automatically a slut. Stop slacking off. Anyway, Neah goes back to sleep and Lavi stays with Allen until he wakes up and then they talk and finally kiss and it's really cute. Here's the random pic. I like it cuz Tim is clinging to Lavi and going all WTF IS GOING ON HERE?
Next is summer garden/gray gray sky, which is a doujin with two stories by two different artists, which I'm pretty sure are connected. Anyway, from what I can gather, in the first story, Kanda doesn't know much English and so when he meets Lavi and Lavi introduces himself (Rabi), Kanda assumes he means Rabbit (Rabitto) and they... not exactly fight, but Kanda gets frustrated and walks away. Then Tiedoll finds him and they're cute together. The second story is Kanda waking up in the middle of the night and finding Lavi reading a book. Then he's adorable and falls asleep and Tiedoll carries him back to bed, where Kanda thinks about Lavi (apparently he said something troubling?) and in the morning they eat breakfast together. Tsuki's gonna kill me for the second story, though. The dialogue and stuff is handwritten and the kanji are kind of hard to read. I guess we'll figure it out... Random page!
So Kogare Random Kanji is probably my favorite out of the lot. I mean. It's Kichiya. Kichiya doing a Lavi/Chomesuke story. I'm about 109% sure this was written just for me because I ship them crazy hard and I fricken love Kichiya. It takes place just after they arrive in Japan and the group notices that Lavi's wandered off. Chome goes to find him and he's holding a flower, which he tucks into her hair. They kinda flirt a little as they head back, but Chome angsts a little, presumable because she knows she's a goner. Regardless it's really fricken cute. Chome needs more love in this fandom.
And the
guy that I bought all these from sent me an email today saying he found one of the doujin that I've been looking for, a super-pretty Spike A's guns doujin called Evidence that's honestly just Tyki/Lavi porn. But. I love Spike A's guns. So there. Here's a pic of the cover.