Title: "Hug Bandit"
Fandom: K-pop/SHINee
Genre: Friendship/Romance(ish)/FLUFF
Pairing(ish): OnTae
Words: >1150
Rating: G
Warnings: Self-edited. I don't believe in betas cause they don't believe in me. D:
Summary: Taemin likes hugs. And Jinki. <3
"Taemin-ah...wake up."
The teenager continued snoring lightly, burying his face into his pillow and hoping whatever was trying to distract him from blissful sleep would kindly go away.
"Wake up, you're going to make us late for schedules," the same voice called with only a hint of sternness in its tone. Onew's voice was never stern; it was always caring, even when he was trying to be a "good leader" and instruct them in what to do. He was just soft like that.
Taemin reached up and grabbed the older man's sleeve, tugging him down to lay beside him and cuddling up next to the warm body like he was an oversized teddy bear. This was what he liked the best about mornings: sleeping in until all the other members had left the room, just so he could get some time alone with Jinki to cuddle. It was what made the rest of even the hardest days bearable.
"Taeminnie...we really don't have time today, I mean it; we're going to be late," said SHINee's leader in a tone more pleading than demanding. Even though he was complaining, Taemin couldn't help but smile when he felt the other's fingers slip into his hair and stroke his head gently, as lovingly as always with the thoughtful and intimate touch that could never fail to calm him down whether he was hyper, wired, or upset.
The teenager shifted slightly to a more comfortable position, half-laying on top of the elder as he nuzzled against the man's neck playfully. "I don't want to wake up...too comfortable," he said with a smile against warm, slightly tanned flesh. That earned him a sigh as those gently moving fingers slipped away and from what he could tell, Jinki was trying very hard to put his hands on his hips in a Kibum-esque way. Taemin just chuckled, standing up and dragging his personal teddy bear with him in a tight hug before bouncing off to get ready for the day.
They'd been working on the set of their latest Star King schedule for the past four hours, and all of them were feeling the same exhaustion that was plastered on every other star's face as soon as the cameras would stop rolling. As soon as the ten-minute break was announced, Taemin began tugging on their leader's sleeve and pouting at him rather pitifully. "Hyung, can we please go outside or something..? I'm so bored just being in here in the studio," he said with that 'you-cannot-refuse-this' look of his. His expression brightened immediately when Jinki stood and beckoned him off the set and toward the doors by the backstage so they could head outside.
As soon as the fresh air hit his face and the heavy stage door closed behind him, Taemin slipped his arms around Jinki's waist and held on tightly, his face resting comfortably between the elder's shoulder blades; he sighed contentedly, smiling as he felt the typical sudden tension before Jinki relaxed completely.
"You know, you are the most hug-loving person I've ever met," the older man said with a shake of his head as he just stood there and let himself be used like some life-sized doll.
"You don't mind, right?" asked Taemin as he shuffled around so he was standing in front of Jinki, arms still around the elder's waist and deep brown doe eyes turned on him like a magic spell.
"Of course not," Jinki replied with a soft sigh, wrapping his arms around Taemin in kind and laying his head on the other's shoulder...he really had gotten so much taller recently.
Tonight was the night: their big concert, and the pressure was on to make it good. They'd just started singing "One" when Jinki lost it--he couldn't help it...this was what they'd been working toward from day one, and they were finally here. Much hard work, sleepless nights, and countless laughter and tears had brought them here, and they'd all grown up so much since that first ever meeting as the brand-new shining SHINee. As tears slipped down his cheeks and he choked up while singing his lines, he felt a warm sort of presence behind him and didn't even think to wonder who it was. From the way the crowd was laughing, he could only guess how Taemin must be poking fun at his tears, but when he turned around and looked at their maknae he didn't have to say a word as he was wrapped in a loving hug. He held onto the other tightly, swaying back and forth slightly and just letting himself truly cry for the first time in a long time. This was what he needed, and he hadn't even had to ask: it was like the other just knew.
That was what he liked the most about Taemin--words were never an issue, and anything and everything could be communicated in a simple gesture, like a hug.
It must have been nearly four in the morning when they finally retired to their room, all five members crashing on their respective beds with a collective sigh of relief. They'd really done it, and now they could rest...if just for a little while.
Jinki lay awake, thinking about what all they'd been through to get to this point, and about how proud he was of all the work everyone had done; they really were a family now, or at least as close as five friends could get without sharing blood. His mind continued to work in restless circles until he felt the edge of the mattress dip with added weight, his eyes snapping open as he glanced over to see who it was. All he could make out in the darkness was a head full of blonde hair, but that was all he needed to see. He pulled back the covers and felt the other slip readily into bed beside him, thin arms surrounding his waist and tired brown eyes staring up at him from his pillow.
"I thought you were asleep," he murmured softly, brushing a strand of hair back from the other's forehead and smiling down at him despite the expression being hidden by the dark.
"I knew you'd be awake, hyung...you always think too much," came the whispered reply as the younger of the two rolled so he could essentially curl up on top of Jinki like a sleepy kitten. He closed his eyes for a moment, but opened them again as he felt two strong arms surround him in a warm embrace; he smiled, glad that his huggable nature had finally rubbed off on Jinki.
"Good night, hyung," he whispered as he shut his eyes again, relaxing in the embrace.
Jinki smiled and leaned down slightly, placing the softest of kisses on the sleeping boy's forehead before relaxing back into his pillow, arms still surrounding the teen almost protectively as he whispered his reply.
"Good night, Taeminnie."
A/N: So, I swear I'm going to update TSR, like this weekend. I promise. I'm just trying to get things sorted out with my school work (I'm a couple weeks behind on some things), plus work, plus some other stuff that's really driving me nuts. Oh, and I'm working on going to Korea soon-ish for work. Fun fun...but yeah, this is just a fluffy little plot bunny that showed up tonight and I was like "okay, I will relieve stress by writing you out real quick". Yep. Oh, and this will be x-posted to SHINee replay probably. Probably. =__=;;