
Aug 23, 2006 10:02

 the blood test was okay.
i had a student do it..
she had to take blood from both arms.
the first one didnt hurt.
the second one i could feel the blood leaving.

the next day i went to the dentist.
the dentist was okay.
i havent been able to chew on my left side for like 2 months.
so i told the dentist and he decided that he didnt do the filling right the ( Read more... )

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Comments 1

curiouser and curiouser spacemanspiff56 September 3 2006, 08:20:24 UTC
you know miss kc, when i was in high school i had some serious medical problems, and the doctors never told me shit..except."perhaps you are so depressed you are actually killing yourself, and making yourself sick"...well i hope everything is fine with you, i used to be in such terrible pain i would cry, and just really crazy shit..and the doctors could not help me a bit. im so sorry you are going through this. i love you!


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