OMG It's Tuesday. I'm a day late... I should have listened to my Blackberry...
OH! And I forgot to put this in here before, but I disclaim Sailor Moon and everything else that doesn't belong to me. Don't sue me. All I have is a dream. No money.
This chapter is set before any of the previous chapters took place.
Mamoru was scared of Rei. He was terrified of her. She was gorgeous with her long dark hair, pale skin, long legs, and unusual eyes, but she was dangerous. She looked much older than she was, and knew her way around a man better than most adult women do. She could charm the pants off of anyone she needed to, and it never took her much effort.
Mamoru was one of the unlucky bastards to be charmed by Rei's loveliness. Not a day goes by when he doesn't curse himself for it, though. He thought she was his age, for that was what she had told him. When he met her friends, they all acted as sophisticated and reserved as she did on most occasions, except for one.
The childish one.
She looked to be the same age the other girls appeared to be. There was another girl who looked almost exactly like her, but with shorter hair; Rei didn't like her very much at all for some reason. Mamoru would never know why; Rei would never tell him. The one Rei disliked was kind; not a pushover, though. No, he tried to use her once and never tried that again. Mamoru feared her, too. The only person who ever did wrong by her and got away with it was Rei. Again, Mamoru could only wonder why, for no one would ever explain it to him. She was really pretty, though.
Another girl, with short, very strangely colored hair, a deep navy blue in the sun, was a genius. Wants to be a doctor, too. She could figure out everything that was technical, mathmatical, scientific, or could in any way be calculated. She was just that smart. She was a pushover, and Mamoru would have gotten to her, had it no been for the big burly girl.
She was almost as tall as Mamoru, and twice as strong. It was like she had a radar for the little genius. Any time she was even slightly uncomfortable, the brute would come hauling down the stairs and "save" the girl from whatever was bothering her. She could cook her ass off, though. If she couldn't lift twice his weight with one hand, Mamoru would have tried with her, but as much as he loved her gorgeous bosom, he loved his life even more.
All of those girls acted as though they were three, four, or even five years older than they really were. Mamoru was convinced they all were until he met the fifth girl of the group.
She was beautiful. That meant a lot since Mamoru didn't think things were beautiful. She had hair that he could not only tangle his hands in, he could tangle his whole six foot frame in it. He wanted to try it. He was approaching her, when he saw that she was with Rei and her friends. She and Rei were having some sort of arguement that ended with them sticking their tongues out at each other. The other girls were ignoring those two, and teasing the bluenette about something that had her hiding behind her book, for she was never without one, and blushing like a tomato.
They all looked so juvenille and relaxed, Mamoru finally saw them for who they were: children. There had never been a moment when he had seen them act this way before now; all the arguements Rei and the other blond had ended with words, slammed doors, and maybe a slap or punch. The blue-haired one never hid behind a book in embarassment, she always held her head up with wisdom that should never belong to youth. The big one had never ever teased any of them; she was always protecting them. However, it didn't take long for Mamoru to notice what the difference was in the group; the blond with the endless hair.
She brought out the truth in all of the girls. She didn't act like they did, all falsely mature. If only she acted the same way, then maybe Mamoru would still be with Rei. He was glad that the younger girl didn't act maturely, in retrospect.
Since the day he watched the girls interact, he wondered when Rei would introduce him to the girl with the long hair. Long being a respective term; all the girls, except the little genius, had long hair. Rei never did introduce them, however, so he took matters into his own hands.
Rei and the immature one were walking down the street together, just the two of them. Mamoru, who had been watching and following them, snuck up behind Rei and grabbed her by her waist. She screeched and jumped, but he kept her stable. He whispered in her ear, and she calmed down enough for him to let go. She glared a little bit until he kissed her. Then she blushed.
That was the only time he ever saw her show even the tiniest bit of embarrassment. She saw it as a weakness, and she was not weak.
He looked at her friend up close for the first time. She looked even better from up close. She had fair skin, golden hair, and he had no idea how her eyes looked since she wouldn't look at him. It seemed she was embarrassed as well. Mamoru didn't have to see her eyes to know she was perfect for him. He just knew, somehow.
However, his girlfriend, for the time being, was standing beside him, and if he spent anymore time denying her attention she was sure she should have, he would be castrated in the middle of the street. He didn't need that kind of attention, and he wanted to someday be able to use his balls for children. He decided to ask her about her cute friend.
Rei said that her name was Usagi. A bunny. She was 13 years old, struggled in school, but tried her best despite that. She liked to eat, draw, and always saw the best in people. No matter what she did she tried her hardest, and no matter how hard a task was for her, she always gave it her best. Mamoru had never heard Rei speak so kindly about anyone. This Usagi meant a lot to her.
Mamoru didn't get half the praise Usagi recieved when Rei introduced him, but he was aloof, crude, and didn't really know Rei all that well; despite being with her for over a year. He should have been ashamed, but they had more of a business than a relationship. He took care of her; she took care of him. That was all they ever had, and they would never have anything more. He wasn't looking for that with her.
The girl in front of him, however, had what he was looking for in the long run. She was pretty, developed, long hair, and dazzling blue eyes. He was smitten until he heard her and Rei shreiking down the street, arguing about something or other. It was miniscule; he tuned it out. He took their arguement as his cue to leave. He kissed Rei to shut her up, lied about having somewhere to go, and vowed to find out the truth about Rei and all of her friends. Rei had lied to him, and he wanted to know why.
Mamoru is a bastard. Asare mostboys his age. He'll grow out of it. Hopefully.