I'm glad you enjoyed it and that it made you transcend for a bit. This is the very thing I've said to samvimes. That if the pain would release you enough to let you get out just a bit more, then there could be a cummulative effect. You could get more social energy and you'd feel better, and thus be able to do more, then get more energy... etc. I hope we can think of some ways to help you do that. I think you're extrovert side has been hungry for a couple of years here. It needs some square meals, adn hopefully the Gaia Consort Feast will encourage your nervous system to let up once in a while! :)
I agree and will schedule a Dr's appointment soon to ask again about a wheelchair (which might allow me to attend events which involve walking more than 30 feet) If she says no again, I have already told samvimes that I'd like a wheelchair for my birthday. We can probably get a new one for $200-300. I guess my extrovert side is anemic too!
Wow... This is really a wonderful write-up... would you mind if we were to quote it, say on the GC Website? This is such a lovely description of how wonderful that concert was - it was equally delightful from the stage, by the way - having such a wonderful audience is downright transporting :-) (We totally understand if you'd rather we didn't, too... so no worries, k?)
Comments 4
This is really a wonderful write-up... would you mind if we were to quote it, say on the GC Website? This is such a lovely description of how wonderful that concert was - it was equally delightful from the stage, by the way - having such a wonderful audience is downright transporting :-) (We totally understand if you'd rather we didn't, too... so no worries, k?)
thanks for listening!
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