Last I knew, Alumni House will rent out it's guest rooms (which are set up like hotel rooms and two of which have their own bathroom!) for about $30 per night. $30 was the price a few years ago, so now it's probably $40... but that's still cheaper than a hotel!!!
I, myself, have to call about that for Marcus, Sebastian and I for this month, but I haven't done so yet. The only crevit may be having to have paid some alumni dues or something... I'm not on the alumnae mailing lists so I won't know positively until I call... but no matter how you swing it, if you split the total cost evenly among you it will be less than half a hotel price - AND CLEAN! AND ON CAMPUS!
It's quite nice. When Lilly, Sarah P & Shannon worked a writer's conference as alums they were put up there and were satisfied with it and I know a few other alums who have very happily stayed there too!
Preface: I'm not sure if this is going to happen, but if it does, you're welcome to use this option...
Geoff and I might be moved into our apartment for the summer/next year by then, and if we are, we could probably take 2 of you. It won't be very big, so we probably won't be able to hold more than 2 since we'll both be there. We should know sometime this week if we'll be moved in by then, and I'll make sure to let you know.
Totally (but not quite) off topic Pat and I have a wedding to go to in Troy (Lippy's) on the 10th, and will be spending that night there. The wedding is late at night, and if you're gonna be around in the early evening, I'd LOVE LOVE LOVE to see you (and Bouncy etc) for at least a hug.
We would love to see you, too!!! Depending on driving time, we can try our best to stick around for just a bit, at least. Unfortunately work will be calling me to be back on Monday... but, yeah - we totally wanna see you! *huuugs!!!* :)
Comments 7
I, myself, have to call about that for Marcus, Sebastian and I for this month, but I haven't done so yet. The only crevit may be having to have paid some alumni dues or something... I'm not on the alumnae mailing lists so I won't know positively until I call... but no matter how you swing it, if you split the total cost evenly among you it will be less than half a hotel price - AND CLEAN! AND ON CAMPUS!
It's quite nice. When Lilly, Sarah P & Shannon worked a writer's conference as alums they were put up there and were satisfied with it and I know a few other alums who have very happily stayed there too!
At least this is one option!
Geoff and I might be moved into our apartment for the summer/next year by then, and if we are, we could probably take 2 of you. It won't be very big, so we probably won't be able to hold more than 2 since we'll both be there. We should know sometime this week if we'll be moved in by then, and I'll make sure to let you know.
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