Title: A Thousand Cranes
Characters/Pairing: Pein/Konan
Genre: General
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Spoilers for recent manga chapters, character death
Word Count: 300
Summary: Crease, and fold.
Theirs is a perfect world, wrapped in unblemished snow-white paper; unmarked and unsullied, unseen from the rest of the world.
Amegakure is a heaven for lost souls, humming machines and creaking steel against a constant white noise of rain, heralding the symphony of a new beginning.
They fit together like origami; crease over crease- a careful, meticulous unity of parts, sliding effortlessly into place-fold onto fold-cornered into position, but still delicate. So fearful…of one small tare.
Theirs is an Eden, without names.
For what use is a name when he touches her with that body and whispers into her ear in that voice. Speaks to her about those visions and plans? And if the dead would only remain in their graves, perhaps he, and she, could find peace.
But Amegakure is home for lost souls and theirs is a world where the soil is saturated into mire and ghosts and corpses crawl from beneath the earth to walk amongst the living.
The body lays limp and lifeless beside her, eyeballs sunken into the hollows of the skull in post-mortem. She is lucky to have salvaged this much of him. The other, like before, could not be saved.
Outside, rain surges down in rushing currents of a waterfall, keeping her from dispersing, both an impenetrable fortress and gilded cage at once. His last gift to her.
She folds her papers, makes pretty shapes, and stares numbly towards a city slowly oxidizing.
Once the rain stops, the rust will settle. A perfect infiltration.
In the end, Konan watches silently from his place atop the tower as their dream corrodes into deterioration, doomed from the beginning.
She folds herself, sleeping.
Amegakure is a haven for lost souls. Someday, they will find each other, again.