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1. People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blog and replace any question that they dislike with a new, original question.
2. Tag eight people. Don't refuse to do that. Don't tag who tagged you. (Um...I'm not doing this.)
1. Make a list of 5 things you can see without getting up
Niagra Falls coffee mug, Sylvester (the cat) pencil holder, my glasses, earphones, tissue box.
2. What's the last thing you ate today?
1/4 BBQ chicken with sidedishes of pasta, greek salad, beans, tabouli, tomatos and cucumbers. And a mango.
3. Something that never fails to boil your blood?
Um...not much gets me excessively riled up. If I had to say, it would be extreme arrogance and uncompromising dogmatism.
4. Something that never fails to make you happy?
Food. Especially chocolate and green tea icecream.
5. The best thing to happen of you as late?
$325 boots on sale^^ I've been gawking and admiring them for weeks now but they were waaay out of my price range and even after it went on discount, STILL way out of my price range. Today, finally, it went on final sale with extra 20% discount. I'm not usually so fanatical about what I wear but these were very very nice, comfy, Canadian-made and waterproof boots^^ And they are sexy as hell. I came home with a bright smile on my face.
6. What calms you?
Reading, rambling nonsensically (most of the time to myself), looking out the window at random scenery, writing, the rain.
7. What's your current fandom/obsession/addiction?
Naruto. Pein/Konan (*finger of blame at
hieronymousb*). Addiction = Avatar. But that might have died about...2 days ago. I have very short addiction spans.
8. What do you think about before you go to bed?
The things that happened throughout the day, how tired I am, "omg soft bed, blankey, pillow...*asleep and drooling*, sex. Most of the time, it's sex. Or severe lack of sex.
9. What show would you resurrect if you had the chance?
Everybody Loves Raymond. I miss it ALOT. It was my happy, come home and relax with a laugh show. But re-runs are still on so I'm content for now.
10. Favorite bizarre pairings that no one writes?
Hmm...gah, oh I don't know. Isn't PK enough? Itachi/Madara? I read one good fic of that pairing recced by
kalliel and have been secretly lusting for more ever since.
11. Whats the last thing you read?
This question^^ No seriously...Plato's Republic. It's brilliant. I can't even begin to describe how awesome in its layering of literature on top of philosophy on top of political science sort of way. The genius of that man astounds me. I wish he were alive. I'd totally stalk him fangirl, overly obsessive, gimme-your-brain style. And if that sounds creepy, I DON'T CARE. He's just that cool.
12. What was the most painful fictional breakup in your opinion?
Lyra and Will, from his Dark Materials. I read it when I was thirteen and was upset for 3 days. Broke my heart. A close second is NANA, Nobu and Hachi.
13. What is your favorite weather and why?
Rainy or sunny days, depending on my mood. The pitter-patter of rain on window sills is my favourite kind of music. Sunny days because I love the feel of warm sunshine on bare skin. Gives a feeling of deep connection and love with nature, like the heat of a lover's arms wrapped around your shoulders. Not that I would know, but...whatever.
14. What was the last CD you bought?
I have never bought a CD in my life. No kidding. Don't really listen to music that much.
15. What websites do you visit when you go online?
Onemanga, viikii, LJ, yahoo, facebook, watch-movies.net.
16. If you could play any musical instrument, which one would you play?
Piano and flute. Both I play. Guitar (I waaaant!)
17. Werewolves or Vampires?
Vampires, hands down. Just not the sparkly kind.
18. Are you one of those people who can tell embarrassing stories about yourself?
Yes. Especially since I have so many. It comes naturally because they're usually so comical and absurd. Great for awkward moments during highschool reunions.
19. What work of fiction do you think has influenced you the most?
Hmm...Gabriel Marquez's Hundred Years of Solitude. I think the magical realism there really influenced my own writing style. In terms of fandom,
hieronymousb's works I admire greatly, not just for the PK shipping but the particular style of writing, which is supremely unique to anything else I've read. I always feel inspired to write after I read one of her fics.