Sleep isn't coming easy tonight. But surprisingly, words are. Here is another drabble, to keep my mind off other things.
cached \kasht\, adjective:
1. stored; hidden
2. in computing, stored in a part of memory used as a cache
Degeneration of the sharingan isn't the only reason why Kakashi keeps it hidden, safely cached away behind the smooth satin of his hitai-ate.
Every morning as he splashes water onto his face and looks up into the bathroom sink mirror Hatake Kakashi is reminded of the debt he owes to a ghost of the past.
He walks out the door, positioning the slip of cloth carefully over one eye, and leaves for the mission of the day.
Every morning Kakashi meets Rin at the bridge, before they depart. He sees the look of want in her eyes and avoids her gaze.
As they leap through the forest, he ignores her warm presence next to his and flinches away when chakra-glowing hands feather over his skin after the mission, healing bruises and cuts. He turns his back when she smiles brightly and waves him good bye.
It's only when he's alone, back in the safety of his apartment, that Kakashi uncovers the eye again and looks with guilt into the mirror. Obito had wanted to see the future with this eye...
...but Kakashi cannot bear with the thought of his friend knowing that he had, yet again, taken something precious from him.