Aug 22, 2005 22:42
Hey Mina I won't be on tonight but I will be on tommorow night.
Aug 19, 2005 00:00
Hey Mina sorry for not talking my dad needed to do something and he didn't give me enough time to tell you I'm sorry I'll be on again tomorrow.
Aug 18, 2005 20:51
Hey Mina sorry for not coming on yesterday I'll be on tonight though.
Aug 17, 2005 17:13
Hey Mina you just left without saying anything whats up with that if you come on tonight meet at Access-Inuyasha.
Aug 16, 2005 23:49
Hmm... How about we meet in access-inuyasha and just pm each other.
Aug 16, 2005 23:38
Oh I see well maybe we should meet up in some chatroom then. Naruto is coming on is september I don't know and exact date.
Aug 16, 2005 14:50
The more I read Sherlock Holmes the cooler it gets. Mina is mad and happy that I got her hooked on Naruto but when it premiers on Toonami eneryone will be hooked. I haven't talked to Mina on Aim since I haven't been getting on at 11:00(10:00 for her) but I will be on tonight.
Aug 09, 2005 20:52
I started reading Sherlock Holmes its very cool and Mr. Homes has a very keen eye for detail.
Message for Mina. You haven't been coming on lately now I feel unloved what time do you come on.
Aug 04, 2005 15:37
to Mina. I wasan't at the computer at the time but I have your screename on my buddy list. If there is anyone else who reads this I'm sorry if your bored with me just using this to talk to someone. I guess I should share a fact about me... my favorite insect are fireflys.
Aug 03, 2005 12:34
This entry is just a message for Mina. Did you go on to donwload AOl instant messenger.