To my Best Man:
It's your birthday, so I'll be nice. I won't say anything about how old you are, or make any fat-ass jokes. I didn't buy you a book that's full of pictures of fattening food or even make mention about how you're still shorter then almost everyone on the old team. Instead we'll focus on your more redeeming qualities and I'll be serious.
You're my good friend, you have been since the day you stepped foot on the courts back in junior high. We clicked. We've had our ups and downs together and sometimes it hard to think about how I would have gotten through them without you. I'm glad I have someone that I don't have to even say a word to and you can tell whats wrong and most of the time fix it. I'm glad to call you more then just my friend, you're my best man, truly.
I'm sure your ego is swelling right now. Don't get too used to it, you're only special today because it's your birthday. ;)
Happy birthday, my friend.
I'm looking forward to Rome with you, I bought us togas to wear in the hotel room.
I gave you your gift already, make sure you make good use of it with whoever you decide to take along.