Nov 22, 2010 03:00
- 08:52:19: @ amandatapping You make me cry & give me hope all at once. You truly are an amazing inspiration. So much love. x
- 08:56:32: @ nocleversig Haha...Well, I went on a bit of a mini posting spree yesterday.
- 08:59:13: @ nocleversig Haha...Distracting ppl is fun. It wasn't my fault, really. 2 of them had been written for ages. & I still have finished fic
- 08:59:53: @ nocleversig sitting on my comp. lol But I wrote FLUFF yesterday. While in a bad mood. I was Amazed.
- 09:00:16: @ nocleversig I don't even like fluff. ..
- 09:04:54: @ Monkeybum1723 Morning, lovely!
- 09:12:58: @ Monkeybum1723 *shrugs* Okay, I guess. Dreading the fact I have 1000 word paper to write analyzing a book I hated! You?!
- 09:26:26: @ Monkeybum1723 Yeah, I know. I'm lazy & paying for it. *headdesk* Ack. *squishes* Hope your day's okay!
- 09:29:24: @ Monkeybum1723 *squish*
- 10:19:52: Okay. Time to bite the bullet & work on my lit paper. I HATE this course. Why the hell did I think it was a good plan to take it?
- 10:20:13: Actually, I think I'd almost rather be saddled w/ Ethics in Packaging. *glares*
- 11:38:48: This is crap! & frustrating! I have got to write this paper!! I don't even know where to start!
- 11:39:30: Why is it that hating a class makes you seemingly unable to think of anything as far as assignments. I swear it makes you nearly braindead.
- 12:37:55: RT @Telksy: Reading @ amandatapping 's blog and crying in public. She is so amazing and it makes me smile to know people like her exist ^_^
- 12:42:57: @ Telksy *TACKLESQUISH* Heya, darling!! How are you today?!
- 12:46:33: @ Telksy Haha...That's a good thing!! Go with it!! LOL
- 12:47:46: Am I the only person who connects rain & mud puddles?!
- 12:47:59: Cuz I thought it was logical.
- 12:49:35: @ Telksy Connected, yes? Rain, puddles...They go together, yes?
- 12:53:03: *pokes @windandthestars* Us co-writing was fun. One day, we should do that again. Random-ish, I know. But apparently, I FAIL @ co-writing.
- 12:57:22: Oy. This is not at all helping my focus. *headdesk* Why do I fixate on these things?!
- 13:00:20: @ Telksy That's what I thought!! But no, 'I said it was raining. I said nothing about a mud puddle.' *grumbles*
- 13:02:20: @ Telksy Haha...Another reason I love you!! It just aggravated me. & dammit comps make it hard to read feeling, but it sounded rude.
- 13:11:28: @ Telksy It really bothers me. I know, logically, it shouldn't but it does! The hr thing, yeah okay, my bad, I missed it, ignore sentence,
- 13:12:23: @ Telksy but dammit you didn't say what happened & falling in a mud puddle seemed rational b/c it was RAINING! Be more specific! *glares*
- 13:13:10: @ Telksy Sorry 'bout the rantyness.
- 13:19:59: @ Telksy Thank you. Ranting can be useful. *nods*
- 13:28:59: Okay, this is ridiculous, brain. Stop obsessing over it. Move past it. Never ever attempt co-writing again. I shall remain in my happy...
- 13:29:45: ...little solitary writing space where everything is good & unconfused & Helen/Will is the dominating theme.
- 13:30:40: Unfortunately, now I want to work on lit even less. This day is going to end in tears anyway. Despite my best efforts. *sigh*
- 13:31:07: @ Telksy Oh, I don't know. I FAIL at it. Well, except that one w/ Lisa. That was SHINY.
- 13:31:42: @ Telksy *shrugs* Maybe it's the same reason I FAIL at team sports & group projects. I just work better alone.
- 13:32:11: @ Telksy Haha...I've never even TRIED to write H/N fic! LOL
- 13:34:00: @ Telksy Once things settle down we might attempt the H/W though. LOL
- 13:38:50: Ugh. I really cannot focus at all now. Not that I was focusing well to begin w/. But now I can't focus at all.
- 13:39:59: & I have 1000 word paper I need to write. & really, honestly, the only thing I want to do right now is write fic.
- 13:40:08: Maybe it would make me feel better.
- 13:40:40: But dammit, I really don't have the time. I'm going to be up half the night working on this devil of a paper the way it is.
- 13:42:22: @ GeekySteph *squishes* Thanks, sweetie. I just think school,s gearing up for finals & w/ holidays, everything is hectic & it's catching up.
- 13:42:47: @ GeekySteph *school's
- 14:14:21: @ windandthestars *squishes* Thank you, darling. & yes, it was fun!
- 14:28:58: @ windandthestars I kinda already have them living in my head . & they have a plot line they seem to be following...
- 14:29:19: @ windandthestars Should I be concerned? LOL
- 14:33:20: @ windandthestars It's where I get most of my H/W stuff. I go digging for scenes from their ongoing story. haha
- 14:34:18: Someone wanna write this paper for me? No? Didn't think so. *sigh*
- 14:35:03: @ Telksy Haha...Well, at least you thought about it! LOL
- 14:37:00: Argh. Focus is absent, paper is not getting written, & all I wanna do is WRITE FIC!! This is unhelpful.
- 14:38:16: @ Telksy I'm afraid I'll run out of time. Otherwise, I would. *headdesk*
- 14:40:05: @ Telksy I don't even think I have main points. I haven't a clue where to even start!
- 14:41:49: @ Telksy I'm thinking I'm going w/ doubles. But doubles are not even similar. She makes no sense. *glares*
- 14:50:56: @ Telksy 1000. Media? Where can I go w/ media? I need 2 examples to analyze? I'm typing the instructions to e-mail you, btw. So, you'll know
- 15:00:52: @ Telksy Okay, I don't know if that sent or not.
- 15:07:42: @ Telksy yep. I'm typing it again. I think my Internet was being screwy.
- 15:14:15: @ Telksy It wasn't. But that's okay. I typed it again. I just really need focus. Which I am lacking. *headdesk*
- 15:24:47: @ Telksy I just did. & you actually made a pt I was completely failing at seeing. *headdesk* I replied, btw.
- 15:37:25: Oh, yay!! Paper is officially started! Just in time for dinner...Oops. Though, in my defense, dinner is rather early tonight...
- 15:40:27: @ Telksy Haha...We may have, sort have skipped that meal. LOL
- 16:38:06: Me-*sigh* 226 is SO far away from 1000. Dad-LOL Mom-Yeah, usually. Thank you, parents. *headdesk*
- 16:50:43: Oh, this is very uncool. I think I have to take my crim final at 8 am. I usually get to campus @ 9. I leave my house @ 7:30.
- 17:06:52: Oh, shit. I completely spaced the fact I also have a test to review for after I finish writing this paper! *headdesk*
- 17:10:56: My poor parents. They are headed for their 3rd fire run of the day.
- 17:21:09: 700 words to go...This is taking Ashley forever. Ashley really should have better focus. Also, she should be a better student.
- 17:29:25: @ windandthestars So far from the 1000 it needs to be. *grumbles*
- 17:43:12: @ windandthestars *squishes* Thanks for the faith, hon!
- 17:47:51: @ windandthestars You are having this problem too? It is interfering w/ my concentration. I have stuff that must be done. Ack.
- 17:50:05: *headdesk* Oh, why did I even bother to stop staring at lit paper & check e-mail. I don't have the time or energy to deal w/ that.
- 17:50:53: Why does the reason have to matter? Can't we just say 'I'm leaving the country. I won't attend class.' & that be sufficient. Ugh.
- 17:51:39: @ KeairaTeagan @windandthestars Yes, quite terrible. Everyone says 'let's give more work before they take away our targets'
- 17:52:40: 600 words to go...Well, at least I'm getting closer...
- 17:55:57: Haha...OMG, my parents are such enablers! Lie to him. Tell him you didn't know the dates when you said you'd go.
- 18:03:08: @ AmyCorden *squishes* Thanks, sweetie! & good luck w/ that!!
- 18:20:00: I love how when I'm writing for fun, I can write 1000 words in 45 mins-hr w/o even trying; but when I need to write, it takes me ages.
- 18:21:07: @ MissCheerfully It's gorgeous, sweetie! =)
- 18:21:45: @ AmyCorden Kind of kills the creativity, yes?
- 18:48:45: 280 words to go....So. Far. Away. *groans*
- 18:49:06: I apologize for all my complaining. It's my way of breaking focus for a bit.
- 18:56:14: @ windandthestars Haha...I love you. That made me laugh. A lot more than it should have. Crushing/stomping hearts is lovely business in fic.
- 19:00:05: I don't think my kitty loves me anymore. Little rat.
- 19:00:43: On the upside, 190-ish words to go.
- 19:01:18: Preferably done in the next 30 mins, so I can write fic before I must study.
- 19:08:04: @ nocleversig Haha...Yeah. That I've had a month to work on & is due tomorrow, but I only started at 4. *headdesk*
- 19:19:30: Yay! Now, I just need a conclusion of at least 60 words!
- 19:25:41: I am far too easily distracted.
- 19:25:53: 5 mins. I want to write this in the next 5 mins.
- 19:31:37: Ugh. My parents so need a more compatible humor to mine. They do not show proper amusement. *glares*
- 20:04:19: I am done!! Yay!!
- 20:08:25: @ C0bwebb Yes! I did! Finally! *relieved sigh*
- 20:59:13: Wow. My knuckle looks really bad. I think the 2nd accidental dose of hairspray may have really wreaked havoc w/ it.
- 21:46:54: So unbelievably moved yet content, right now. & have completely melted my heart tonight.
- 21:55:06: I feel the need to dig out my Reba DVDs tonight. There's just something about watching What If? loudly on my TV that gives me hope.
- 21:55:32: & the last time I did so I felt like I settled into place. I think it's time for another round.
- 21:56:46: @ linesfade Reba is like never around here!! I went to one of her concerts w/ Kelly Clarkson though. It was incredible!
- 21:58:51: @ linesfade Haha...I actually don't even like concerts. But hers was AMAZING. Her stage presence is PHENOMENAL. I'd love to go to another.
- 22:00:31: @ linesfade Yes. I wanted to go to one of those so badly! George & Reba are the definition of EPIC. But alas money & time are issues!
- 22:01:48: @ linesfade Haha...Sounds like a plan!
- 22:11:19: I am so loving my current playlist. It consists of Reba ~ "What If?" & Wynonna ~ "Testify to Love" =D
- 22:20:39: @ ladydeadlock Mine too!
- 23:24:05: Some antibiotic cream & three bandages later, and I think I'm finally convinced my finger isn't going to fall off by morning.
- 23:26:37: K, so I think I'm calling it a night. Love you all, see you tomorrow, figuratively of course.
- 23:26:48: Pleasant dreams. x
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