Title: Essence of Butterfly
Chapter(s): 03/?
sentimentalenvy Genre: action, angst, historical, romance
Rating: R
Warnings: language, tobacco use, violence
Pairing: YunJae
Disclaimer: I do not own any known characters in this story.
Synopsis: The history of two family names collide, clashes and tangle in a way neither is willing to settle. Written
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Comments 13
YooChun is such a hound dog I swear. I have a feeling who that boy toy is now lol! It's really funny how YunHo spotted him out. If you can give shit then you should be able to take shit too lol! And, uhhh JunSu why are you so annoying. You and YooChun can belong together since you both want to effing nag so damn much. Lol!
That part where YunHo acted surprised when JaeJoong landed next to him was soooo cute. I like how you display their slight ass differences through their actions. Wonderfully done babe.
Now I'm really worried about my YunJae. I hope YunHo's uncle stays out of the picture a bit longer. I also love how we can already sense how much YunHo wants to protect JaeJoong if that situation were to come about but still.
I can't wait for the next part. Thanks for the wonderful update/present.
LOL I don't care if you greedy! You deserve it. You deserve it all! LOL at first I wasn't going to make the boy toy you know who but I was like fuck it. Let's do it. XD But don't you love shit talkers?! They make shit interesting, yo! And yeah, Junsu. The annoying one needs some distraction. Hurhur. But yeah...you know he's just really concerned. I'll have him distracted in no time. Ohohohoho 8'D
LOL Duuude! I so expected to write super serious shit. Turned out all fluffy and comical instead. FML MAN. F.M.L. And lol, how can you not notice the ass differences, right? Flat. Round. D: Yunho or Yoochun's preferences, I don't care. I'll tap em both. :O
Yeah...he should be out of it for a bit. I want YunJae to bond a bit more before big shit goes down. D: Cause it'd be weird like Okay I know you're sexy but I barely know you. Why am I putting my life on the line for you again?
Thanks for waiting, bby. You're seriously a saint or something. YOU'RE NOT HUUMAAANNNNNN! D:
mouth sucking full of sexy hard Jejung in your lap
I want this. *.* I want a sexy, hard Jae in my lap~ And I'll take the mouth sucking, too. kekeke~ So, was Yun just fantasizing about that? I got the impression he was just making it more difficult on himself and his little "problem". hehehe~
Ooo so Yunho's gonna find out soon? Yay for stuff happening next! :D
I want that too. LOL Making Yunho live my dream, rofl. XD Yeah, Yunho's going to find out soon. I want things to be progressing a bit faster. Actually I'm trying to fight ever fiber of my being to just skip to the damn confrontations already, lol.
Thanks for reading!
more please?
Yoochun, I feel like I know who your boy toy is, and Junsu, judging by your uneasiness and paranoia, YOU ARE hiding something!
Okay let the rolling on the ground, punching each other!yunjae commence! But I hope after that, they'll be okay!
Ahahah, yes, Yoochun's hiding a fuck buddy alright. XD
LOL and rolling on the ground will lead to mad punching passionate kisses rough caresses and violence!
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