not a story

Sep 22, 2011 13:51

stolen from hells_half_acre

1: Favorite Book
I adore Orthodoxy by G. K. Chesterton. It's hard to pick a favourite .... Ultimately this one won out becuase K. J. Anderson simply has too many that i like, and Orthodoxy really sums up alot of my own religious beliefs that way that no one really else does.

2: Least favorite book
the twilight saga. I feel you can't properly hate something until you know it... but man.. it's so terrible i couldn;t finish it. the first book that i ever picked up that it simply hurt to much to read though to the end.

3: Book that makes you laugh out loud
While a lot of fanfic could go here... i think the only published book that i've read to get a good chuckly out of me has been Good Omens

4: Book that makes you cry

.... Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Moseso with Amos than cedric's death itself.

5: Book you wish you could live in

Harry Potter, maybe.... But i'd likely be a squib. I don't often place myself in book sereies. TV, manga, or movies, maybe....

6: Favorite young adult book

I was reading Stephen King as a pre-teen, so i might not be the best judge of young adult books. I'll go by author here - i like Rohl Dahl books. BFG or Matilda maybe?

7: Book that you can quote/recite

The courtship of Princess Leia, or The Hutt Gambit, from the Star Wars Novels. The Hutt Gambit was my first SW book, and actually my introdustion to SW itself. I've read three copies of that book ito none existance.

8: Book that scares you

The Langoliers. I have problems sleeping on planes becuase of that one. Think i first read that one in early middle school. Also. The Library Policeman.

9: Book that makes you sick

Uh.. twilight Saga again.... sadly - i think i would of been okay with the characters if the fact that none of them where in even semi-healthy relations with each other was addressed.

10: Book that changed your life

Orthodoxy helped me define my life? With all the problems I have with my fellow christians, it showed me that there are people who think alot the way i do, and it gave me strength to accept that i'm not cut from the same cloth, and that paradoxes are a valid stand point - even with faith.

11: Book from your favorite author

Ill Wind, by K. J. Anderson? I like almost evenything he does - but this is one of my favorites. We had a good chuckle over it too when I got it signed last year.

12: Book that is most like your life

I read books to ESCAPE my life - so i'm not reading them looking for a character I can sympathis with.  i think Manavile may change that option - but i've yet to find a copy. Curse having a favoirute author that DIED in the 30's

13: Book whose main character is most like you

... do the supernatural companions count? becuase the spn novels are rubbish and i've headdeasked though almost all of them now...
Dean? not the fighting mnsters and all - but the growing up with nothing more than family, and the constant sacrafice of ones own life for family.
I get that. moreso than i think a lot of people realise

14: Book whose main character you want to marry

Dean Winchester. And becuase I'm asexual - he can screw with as man women/men as he pleases. But he only gets to sleep with me. (That said - I would keep pushing him at Lisa, becuase She was so good for him... and i think it really would of worked if not for Sam)

15: First “chapter book” you can remember reading as a child

The Anceint Ones? would of been third grade.... Ties for first one with Bearstone/dance

16: Longest book you’ve read

The bible? I can't read if through like one continous story, but at this point I'm pretty sure i've read the whole thing at least once

17: Shortest book you’ve read

Rita Hawsworth and the Shawshank Redemption. And I LOVE  IT

18: Book you’re most embarrassed to say you like

When Harry Potter first came out - and i read it then. I was pretty embrassed. It was not a 'cool' book and i got a lot of shit for it. But by the third one, it was okay.

19: Book that turned you on

I'm asexual, so ... none?

20: Book you’ve read the most number of times

The Hutt Gambit. i've destoried three copies. I think it wins. Though - to be fair, it was mostly becuase it was the first chapter book i OWNED. Most of my books came from the llibrary. THis was the first one that was MINE. and it was the only one for a long time.

21: Favorite picture book from childhood

A Children's Garden of Verses. maybe not a favourite, but it's the only one i remember

22: Book you plan to read next

If i can find a copy, Manalive. I also want to read Rage Against God - but i'm waiting for it to come out in paperback. 
Currently on my shelf to read it Chameal by Edward Pearson. I origianlly only picted it up because Chameal is my fav. angel. And guess what. Its an apocolypse story.  =^.^=

23: Book you tell people you’ve read, but haven’t (or haven’t actually finished)

1984, Faeienheit 451. started both... just had other books i wanted to finsih first. I'm kinda embarased that i haven't gotten around to finishing them. I think it's more becuase evevyone knows about them. eveyone knows what they're about. what's the point?

24: Book that contains your favorite scene

The Man Who Was Thursday: Smye nad Greorgoy's first little roandabout spat. the dialogue is just amazing....

25: Favorite book you read in school

i didn't really care for any of the required reading for school. we wern't really advenousous in the titles either. Probably would have to go back to fourth grade - teacher read us Hatchet. i did like that one - what i can reamamber of it.

26: Favorite nonfiction book

Orthadoxy by G.K. Chesterson^^;

27: Favorite fiction book

Ill Wind, by K.J. Anderson and Doug Beacon
We destory the world! trying to clean up an oil spil XD

28: Last book you read

I'm re-reading the harry potter books. So - Chamber of Secrets. Debating in writing a crossover, but i've got too much things to do already.

29: Book you’re currently reading

The Man who was Thursday; Vile Violent Vacations (it's in book form, it counts!!!) The Days are just Packed (Calvin and Hobbes)

30: Favorite coffee table book

...uh... three blank journals, one with some random ideas, and an empty sketch book?
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