[Age] 26
[Student or teacher/staff?] Teacher
[Profession] Gym teacher? xD; (but he also runs a family-owned dojo on the side)
Tetheus comes from a long line of kendo masters and actually is ranked among the highest, which is Hachi-dan (8 dan; apparently 9 and 10 are no longer rewarded). He helps run the dojo when he's not being all gym teacher at the school. He's pretty athletic and is good with a lot of sports other than kendo, such as a good marksman (ie, guns >_>), general martial arts, archery, soccer, and basketball (he's freaking TALL.). Uh. If there is a club of some kind he'll probably be head of it o_O Or asked to be like the advisor person.
His personality is pretty much the same. Because of his calm, reserved attitude he always did well in class and was actually originally going to work in the police force. So why is he a gym teacher at LSG? Because Kitchel's parents are stupidly paranoid and requested his family to have someone be her semi-bodyguard. And since he's the oldest (he has two younger twin siblings who are still in college abroad >_> *laughs at how close to canon that actually kinna is*), he got chosen. However, he reeeeeally believes that Kitchel's parents are just being waaaaaay over protective and only just keeps an eye on her. I mean, this is a high school, wtf could happen? >O>
Oh yeah. TETHEUS DOESN'T WEAR THOSE ICKY SWEATS WHEN COACHING. Despite coming from a formal family and actually following and pretty much practicing those traditions, he prefers wearing denim. Black denim. And boots :O Not heeled >\ *smacks people who actually reads the series and knows that WTF EVERY GUY EXCEPT LIKE 3, TETHY BEING ONE OF THOSE THREE, WORE HIGH HEELS* But more like biker boots. He will still have his black leather trench coat that he may or may not wear on occasion |D
Because he rides a motorcycle |DDD But don't expect free rides.
>_> Due to the circumstances mentioned in his BG, he has to keep an eye on Kitchel. Who apparently stalks him. Not knowing that he's supposed to look after her. LOLOLOL irony.
Otherwise, it's pretty much a clean slate (not like he met a lot of people here since he's a freaking ANTI-SOCIAL *kicks him*) though if anyone else wants to have some sort of relationship with him, though, feel free to comment :O Stalkers are welcome >O>