Name: Tetheus
Hair: Black/Dark Blueish
Eyes: Black/Dark Blueish that turn red when near demons
Height: tall...probably over 6'0", maybe like 6'6"?
Weight: he's lean still, but not light. Whatever the average for a tall guy is? xD
Bloodtype: he's a mix of demon and dragon >_> I call it DD 8D
Medical info: Healthy guy, he be. And strong 8D
Physical Traits: He has short black/dark blueish hair and is pretty fit and well toned, but not muscular. HE'S A FREAKING STRONG BISH. >_>
Since he's part dragon and part demon, his ears are pointed :O Big tip he's not a normal human. But they're not as long as an elf's so don't get confused~
He always wears his awesome hawt black trench coat and is like one of maybe three male characters of the whole series who doesn't wear high heeled boots xD He also wears white gloves. More hawtness. To make him even more hawt, he wears a black almost Chinese styled collared shirt with no sleeves~ Under that and you'll probably find a black male tank-top like shirt *_______*
Really nothing too special except he always looks serious, always on the alert for danger. You really can't tell what he's thinking. Oh and yeah his ears are pointed. But that's a trait that all those of the Dragon and Demon Clan have. Faeries have longer pointed ears.
Oh yeah, his hands, though gloved, are apparently cold. Not like dead cold, just...wet cold? Least that's what Kitchel always says xD;
What's Okay to Mention: Anything. Though how he'll react may or may not always be favorable 8D
(What's Not Okay to Mention:) You really could say anything and he wouldn't be really phased, except for if it's something about the Dragon Lord or anyone he feels close to being hurt or in danger. Push the right buttons and you might make him angry. Or at least twitch o.o
Notes For the Psychics: You got nothing, his mind is a wall.
Hugging/Kissing/Nicknaming: >_> You could try but he'll either a) move away/move you away or b) give you an odd look before moving away/push you away. And if it's Kitchel, he'll feel even more slightly flustered. He won't mind it from people he knows well and care for, though. Just a little embarrassed. CALL HIM TETHY ONCE YOU GET TO KNOW HIM, DO IT I DARE YOU 8D
Maiming/Killing/Death: Hah. Good luck with that. He's a really good fighter, so he won't mind spars that much. Feel free to try to fight and kill him, he'll be a good opponent for fighting.
Other facts: He's serious, doesn't talk much, and will probably give you a stoic, expressionless "..." type glare/look most of the time, but it's usually not because he doesn't want to talk to you, it's just how he is. But he's a real sweetie on the inside >____> REALLY. He's loyal to a fault and will do what it takes to protect those he loves. He's also got a good bit of wit and if he talks it'll be brief unless he has to or is explaining something. He's not a great conversationalist, he doesn't really find small talk that great nor is he good at it, but he'll listen.
It's important to note that Tetheus is part demon but is now part of the Dragon Clan and therefore part dragon as well. He was originally born as a demon but was later rescued by the Dragon Lord during one of the earlier wars and became the Black Dragon Officer, thus becoming part of the Dragon Clan. The only way one can tell he is demon is if they can actually sense the shadow of his demon aura or if they see his eyes glow red. Otherwise, a person can tell he's not a normal human, but they won't know exactly what since he keeps his auras hidden. He will tell you he is of the Dragon Clan but will not say he is also a demon. The only ones who know are Kitchel, Rath, Sabel, and Alfeegi.
He has special abilities like every other dragon, demon, and faerie in the series xD He can conjure his own sword, which looks a lot like a katana. His magic abilities consist of using energy that looks like black winds or a smokey mist stuff, and can also block or disrupt the flow of some other attacks with just his hand. He can also deal with hand-to-hand combat veeeeeery well. Like Sabel, he can fuse some of his demon AND/OR dragon aura with his attacks to make them more potent, but he doesn't always need to. The person is able to feel some of his power, though.
Since he still has some of his original demon powers, he does not take as much damage from attacks from demons. He still takes damage, but he won't show it so it would seem like he's not being affected, but he is even if it is to a lesser degree compared to a full blooded Dragon, Faerie, or human. His eyes will glow red whenever in the presence of a demon, though they will also glow red whenever he lets his old demon personality leak out a little particularly when he's being rather sexual >o>.