Title: Crimson Fall
Fandom: Naruto
Pairing/Characters: Kakashi/Sakura
Chapter: 1
Word Count: 1,493
Rating: K+
Genre: Romance/Humor
Disclaimer: NARUTO © 1999 by MASASHI KISHIMOTO/SHUEISHA Inc and assorted corporations who bought various rights to it. Only the plot and OCs are mine.
A/N: It's my honor to pinch hit in the
KakaSaku LJ Holiday Anonymous
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Comments 7
BTW, did you feel that I explained well all the kimono pieces (that is, using the Japanese word for them), without bogging down the story? I was a little worried about that...
Whew~ *wipes the sweat off her forehead* Glad you felt it was fluid. Even if you feel you're not the best person to ask, I think that someone who is familiar with kimono is excellent!
And yush, now I am curious. First course of the gorging down is done +runs off for part two+ <3~~
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