Title: Inside the Dark Star
Pairing: Xiumin/Kai
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 7k
Warnings: Dark fic, dark!Jongin, very unhealthy relationship
Summary: Fairy!au, demon!au. Minseok is content to be a hermit in his flower field, until Jongin shows up in the middle of it. He's a little in awe of Jongin, a little enamored, and before he even knew he was in
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Comments 5
But thats the purpose of this angsty fic right? To make me sad? ;;
You did a good job playing with my emotion, authornim 😭
But but but!this is so beautiful
But saaad but beautiful
Why minseokie so naive why jongin so cruel why i torture myself reading angst why im liking it whyyyyy
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