Title: Of Sweet Potatoes and Seohyun
Genre: Implied Romance, Friendship
Pairing: Kyuhyun/Seohyun
Length: One-shot
Summary: Being Seohyun's best friend made Kyuhyun wonder why she hated the male race. Yet, her reason would be the most unexpected one yet.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own SJ and SNSD. Neither do I own Seohyun's beloved sweet potatoes. XD
I've known her for years, yet I still wondered why Seohyun hated the male race... )
Comments 10
LOL. Anyway, who told you that you're vocabulary is bad? You're writing is good! Write more SeoKyu fics please!
Thank gawd, Seohyun confessed she didn't like Yonghwa, keke, but she likes Kyuhyunnie! Don't worry, Seohyun, Kyuhyun won't hurt you. :)
Aw, this is only a one-shot? D: Make it a two-shot! Or more!! lol, Bring the SeoKyu-ness!
"Vocabulary isn't that good" - dude, your vocabulary is good, lol. Keep up the good work!!"
i love how seohyun eventually leads on that she likes kyu KYAAAA <33333
this was really adorable. is this your first oneshot? you did great :D
hope you update soon and welcome to livejournal! hwaiting~!
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