YONGHWA WHY?!! YOU SHOULD SEND IT TO ME FIRST BEFORE DELETE IT!! *get bricked* XDDD Hey,, sorry for the very very lateness.. I've become excruciatingly lazy. ^^ Since the holiday coming and on... But! Good that she didn't hear it actually so that it can become a surprise! hha Kyuhyun hwaiting! You too,, hwaiting! ^^
I was waiting for your comment~ haha! :D holidays are coming? Good for you~ My holidays gonna end soon. I Went to your profile, you are frens with puretabby. I read her fanfics, it's nice. Do you read them too? :D Am I asking too much? Haha! I think it's a concidence so I ask a lot. So sorry.
Really? <^_^> Oh, sorry I'm late again. Go online is hard,, T.T I'm too lazy~ *bricked* Yes! It started on 24th and ended at 9th. I'm friend with puretabby but it had been sometime since I'm in contact with her. I used to read her fanfics but I'm into Kyumin lately. XDD I was trying to change my bias change and it's the same position in my heart now~ Kyumin and SeoKyu.. <33 As long Kyuhyun, Seohyun or Sungmin is there, I guess. I'll like it. *there goes my three biases* Nooo~ I loved to be asked, really. I'm not the type who talk so much at real life.. I'm a quiet girl so I enjoy it Oh, may I add you? If you have question, just shot. I don't really active at lj though,, Newbie just like you. *looks up through my reply* omgosh! It's too long! *runs away*
Are you really quiet? Haha! I love your comments bcos your comments are so lively. Feel So energetic after reading it! I am a bit strange. I am sometimes quiet and sometimes noisy. In fact, when i am noisy, I am crazy! Haha! Anyway, You are friends with puretabby in real life? Ah...yes, you can add me. I would live too. I will ask you if I have doubts! :D What website are you active then? Emm.. I suppose you are a E.L.F ... Emm I am a Sone! I am a little different from you. You read fics like Kyumin. But I don't really read fics that SNSD is having a LOVE relationship with each other! Omg! I cannot imagine it! But I do read fics that their friendship fics!
Comments 13
update soon!! can't wait!
Hey,, sorry for the very very lateness.. I've become excruciatingly lazy. ^^
Since the holiday coming and on...
Good that she didn't hear it actually so that it can become a surprise!
Kyuhyun hwaiting! You too,, hwaiting! ^^
I'm friend with puretabby but it had been sometime since I'm in contact with her. I used to read her fanfics but I'm into Kyumin lately. XDD
I was trying to change my bias change and it's the same position in my heart now~ Kyumin and SeoKyu.. <33 As long Kyuhyun, Seohyun or Sungmin is there, I guess. I'll like it. *there goes my three biases*
Nooo~ I loved to be asked, really. I'm not the type who talk so much at real life.. I'm a quiet girl so I enjoy it
Oh, may I add you?
If you have question, just shot. I don't really active at lj though,, Newbie just like you.
*looks up through my reply* omgosh! It's too long!
*runs away*
So energetic after reading it! I am a bit strange. I am sometimes quiet and sometimes noisy. In fact, when i am noisy, I am crazy! Haha! Anyway, You are friends with puretabby in real life? Ah...yes, you can add me. I would live too. I will ask you if I have doubts! :D What website are you active then? Emm.. I suppose you are a E.L.F ... Emm I am a Sone! I am a little different from you. You read fics like Kyumin. But I don't really read fics that SNSD is having a LOVE relationship with each other! Omg! I cannot imagine it! But I do read fics that their friendship fics!
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