Title: Step One
Fandom and Pairing: Exo, Baekhyun/Kai
Rating: PG
Word Count: 200 words
Prompt/s Used: Word set (water, heart, black and white)
Summary: In Baekhyun's quest for perfection, he seeks dancing advice from Jongin.
For Baekhyun, being the lead singer means being a well-rounded performer, being perfect. He's at the forefront, bringing their songs to life, and making the slightest slip up at the cost of their reputation should never be tolerated.
"You're off-tempo in the chorus, just before the second part," Jongin comments, then makes his way to where Baekhyun is.
The way Jongin moves is lazy, languid, with every action stretching to the next beat. Jongin demonstrates how it's supposed to be done and Baekhyun follows mindlessly, dipping, sliding his left leg close to his right, then twisting his torso before reaching to his right.
Jongin stops midway, laughing. "Months after and you're still fucking up the choreo."
"Months after and you still don't know your place."
This is the part where they merge at the center, so Baekhyun meets Jongin halfway, proceeding with the choreography. They dance until they hit the last beat, and there's a satisfied smile on Jongin's lips before they turn around, punctuating the routine.
"One more run so you won't suck tomorrow?"
Baekhyun grins. He nods. The next run will be perfect. "Get ready, Kai. I'm gonna rock your world."