Title: head in the clouds
Fandom and Pairing: Infinite, Myungsoo-centric
Rating: g
Word Count: 200
Prompt/s Used: picture prompt
Summary: Myungsoo is a ferris wheel operator.
Warnings: n/a
Three full rotations. Fifteen minutes.
They enter the capsules as strangers and they leave as strangers but for several minutes, Myungsoo images what it's like to be that middle-aged woman's son, the best friend of the girl with downcast eyes, that tall boy’s boyfriend.
He looks like a Roy. Myungsoo latches the door and turns around to start up the machine, but not before one last glance at Roy. His back faces Myungsoo, palms pressed against the glass window and his left leg fidgets even as the other occupants sit rigidly, as though afraid their movements will tilt the capsule off its hinges.
The ferris wheel starts up.
At the end of the first rotation, he would spill his most embarrassing secret: isn’t it funny, a ferris wheel operator afraid of heights? During the second round, Roy would know Myungsoo found out he started liking boys at fourteen. By the third, they would have kissed as Seoul gleams beneath their feet.
The ferris wheel creaks to a halt. “Have a nice day,” Myungsoo repeats as the customers file out. Roy does not look up. None do.
But that doesn’t sting; he can always fall in love with another stranger tomorrow.