Title: Expectation vs reality
Fandom and Pairing: Beast; Hyunseung/Yoseob and Doojoon/Yoseob
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Summary: Love is never what we expect it to be.
Warnings: N/A
Hyunseung goes to Yoseob for reassurance; Yoseob makes him smile, gives him confidence, reminds him that he doesn't have to be perfect, makes his heart race. Yoseob goes to Hyunseung for comfort; sighs and leans his head on Hyunseung's shoulder, holds his hand, doesn't say much because there's no need to.
"I'm glad I have you," Yoseob whispers and gives Hyunseung's hand a squeeze. Relies on him, like Hyunseung relies on Yoseob.
It feels easy, uncomplicated, right. But it's not love; they are not in love.
Hyunseung watches Yoseob sneak into Doojoon's bed at night, and pretends it doesn't hurt.