Title: The City will Sing you Home
Fandom and Pairing: F(x)/vague Luna/Victoria
Rating: M
Word Count: 200
Prompt/s Used: Both
Summary: ‘Fear the City as you fear god,’ her pastor had said ‘the City is a heartless place.’
Warnings: Mild blood and guts.
Sunyoung’s insides slipped against her fingers. She ran and stumbled, clutching torn and bloodied fabrics to her stomach as if that would keep her alive. She no longer heard the rhythmic beating of paws or feet of laughing monsters around her and the city grew silent save her gasping tears and breathless prayers.
She had gone too far into dark corners and shaded streets, curious and at first fearless in the face of constant warning. ‘Fear the City as you fear god,’ her pastor had said ‘the City is a heartless place.’
Sunyoung searched for light, for some misplaced comfort or desperate hope, terrified of the growing dark and the color draining from her vision.
“Help me,”
The bridge loomed long into the darkness; it’s concrete hard and gray, like the rank water that slipped underneath. Sunyoung clutched bloody hands to the railing and pulled herself forwards, towards a stranger’s shape in the distance.
The stranger caught her as her body gave out, amber eyes in a world of gray. A kind female face loomed over her, but her smile revealed tiny jagged teeth.
“Welcome home, Little Moon.”
Joyous ululations filled her ears as the gray drained to black.