Title: Submerge
Fandom and Pairing: Super Junior; Kyuhyun/Donghae
Rating: PG
Word Count: 200 words
Prompt/s Used: Word set
Summary: Donghae was born to love the sea
Warnings: N/A
Donghae has always loved the sea. It’s where he was born, it’s in his name, he feels braver in it than out - he thinks he was born to love the sea.
He feels a little stifled sometimes, landlocked in Seoul, a constant press of buildings and people and noise around him. He’s gotten used to it mostly, but there are still twinges of longing sometimes, moments where he feels like the proverbial fish out of water.
He scares Kyuhyun half to death when he lies submerged in their bathtub, eyes closed and perfectly still. Kyuhyun sounds different underwater, like he’s a world away, and sooner than Donghae expects, familiar hands close around his shoulders and he breaks the surface, laughing.
Don’t worry, I’ve got gills. Here, feel them, he would joke, shivering as he slides Kyuhyun’s hands from his shoulders to his neck. But Kyuhyun only scowls deeper, face red from exasperation, and although he’s angry, he’s still touching Donghae, which is all that really matters.
It’s in moments like these when Donghae thinks about being braver, about pulling Kyuhyun down with him, and dares to wonder how long they can last underwater with a shared breath between them.