Title: Creation
Fandom and Pairing: Super Junior; Sungmin/Siwon
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 200
Prompt/s Used: Picture
Summary: Sungmin has an idea and makes it come to life.
Warnings: NA
Sungmin does it because - well, because he can, and because when he'd first thought of it the idea took hold of him and couldn’t be shaken off, like a fly buzzing in his mind. It's daunting, but Sungmin's confident in his abilities. It takes him only a month to source for materials; the hard part is putting it together and making it work.
He spends a lot of time on the face, carefully shaping it into his ideal. He wants it to have dimples, so - a tweak on the wires that control facial muscles, and there the dimples are; he thinks bushy eyebrows will make it look more striking, so on the fine hairs go, glued on painstakingly and individually with tweezers. He wants sculpted muscles, defined ass, a good substantial dick - he moulds everything by hand and affixes the wires, running them through like arteries and veins.
The day comes when Sungmin finally flicks a switch, and his creation, beautiful and divine and perfect, stirs and blinks, lips curving into that dimpled smile that Sungmin made with his own hands.
Sungmin sits back, heart beating fast in his chest. "Your name is Siwon," he begins.