Title: Teamwork
Fandom and Pairing: Infinite, Hoya, Dongwoo
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 200
Prompt/s Used: picture
Summary: There’s no “I” in team.
Warnings: none.
Through the video feed he sees Dongwoo’s lego town, magnified to lifelike proportions. Front and center: a red-brick building, a window built into the wall, and a pirate lego man visible through its panes. Dongwoo’s finger reaches down through the ceiling. His voice crackles over the line.
“Boradori? You there?” He asks. Hoya’s mouth seals into a thin line. He has many nicknames, but Boradori is only used under duress, by people who know they will die. Dongwoo uses it affectionately.
“This is your target,” he says. A blur passes over the screen. Hoya imagines Dongwoo walking around the table holding his diorama. Two spaces south of the building, his finger touches a two-by-four brick three layers high. “One,” Dongwoo counts. ”Two. Three.” Hoya is across the street and three floors above the target. He sights his mark crouching over a table.
Dongwoo gives the instructions; only Hoya knows the time and place. He knows Dongwoo wants to show him the building at the edge of the toytown. It took two months and three Star Wars sets to make. Hoya is not curious.
His watch beeps.
He shoots. The target falls.
The shot echoes through the feed.