Title: Break
Fandom and Pairing: implied Jonghyun/Jinki
Rating: PG
Word Count: 200
Prompt/s Used: Picture
Summary: Adventures in Shakespearean tragedy
Warnings: Character death, suicide
Seoul is beautiful in the night time, and the view is particularly stunning here. The sea of light below him never fails to make him breathless.
Jinki presses his hands to the force field. When he was younger, he had nightmares of spontaneous EM failures and thousand feet falls. He remembers the wind rushing through his hair, the high-pitched sound that his voice abandons midway, the sheer terror of it all - before he’d land in his bed, eyes wide and panting, sweaty sheets tangled between his legs.
Warm hands close over his, and Jinki feels the cold tip of someone’s nose against his neck.
“Don’t jump,” Jonghyun murmurs into his shoulder, pressing himself close until Jinki is warm from head to toe. “You promised.”
“I did, didn’t I?”
“And the one thing I like about you, Lieutenant Lee Jinki, is your unfailing ability to keep your promises.”
“Of course, Starfleet’s Honour,” Jinki closes his eyes and marvels, for a moment, how real holograms feel these days. “But then, I also promised to go wherever you did.
“Computer, disable Holodeck safety protocols,” he swallows, “and disable the force field.”
There’s a difference between jumping and falling. Jinki never breaks his promises.