Title: wire Fandom and Pairing: exo; krislay Rating: g Word Count: 150 Prompt/s Used: picture prompt Summary: he remembers inspiration to be more colourful than this Warnings: n/a
Title: Going, Going, Gone Fandom and Pairing: Shinee, Jonghyun/Onew Rating: G Word Count: 200 Prompt/s Used: Picture prompt Summary: This trip was supposed to make things better. Warnings: N/A
Title: Grey Water Fandom and Pairing: U-Kiss, Soohyun/Kiseob Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 100 words Prompt/s Used: Word set Summary: The one topic Soohyun wishes variety show hosts would avoid. Warnings: N/A
Title: head in the clouds Fandom and Pairing: Infinite, Myungsoo-centric Rating: g Word Count: 200 Prompt/s Used: picture prompt Summary: Myungsoo is a ferris wheel operator. Warnings: n/a
Title: remember to breathe Fandom and Pairing: dgna; hyunmin/suhoon Rating: pg-13 Word Count: 200 Prompt/s Used: word set Summary: but it's the eyes that make you unable to tear your gaze away. they shine with black, as if trying to suck you in and take your sight away, make you forget. Warnings: domestic violence
Title: Check out Fandom and Pairing: EXO, Suho Rating: R Word Count: 200 Prompt/s Used: Picture prompt Summary: Joonmyun will finally get to call it a day. Warnings: Suicide
Title: Heart on the Shore Fandom and Pairing: EXO, Kai/Lu Han Rating: PG Word Count: 200 Prompt/s Used: word set Summary: Kai finds Lu Han's heart. Warnings: N/A
Title: Step One Fandom and Pairing: Exo, Baekhyun/Kai Rating: PG Word Count: 200 words Prompt/s Used: Word set (water, heart, black and white) Summary: In Baekhyun's quest for perfection, he seeks dancing advice from Jongin.
Title: nothing wrong with coming home Fandom and Pairing: big bang, gd/top Rating: pg13 Word Count: 200 Prompt/s Used: word set Summary: here it goes again. Warnings: none
Title: I wanna be a billionaire (or, why the '91-line should never meet in an office) Fandom and Pairing: FT Island/Shinee, Jaejin & Kibum Rating: PG Word Count: 800 Summary: Take-your-kids-to-work day turns out to be a lot more interesting than Jaejin expected. Warnings: Kid!fic.