→ Voting for our first round will end on Thursday, June 03, 2010, 07:00 p.m. (GMT +2). Place you vote in a comment to this post.
→ Vote for one (1) fic of lesser quality to be eliminated, and one (1) fic as your favorite for the People's Choice award. For the fics to be eliminated, please judge based on overall technique and aesthetic quality, not personal preferences. You may opt to not provide a reason for your favorite, but you must give a reason for your eliminations.
→ Do not vote for your own fics.
→ Anyone can vote. You do not have to be a participant or a member of the community to vote.
→ Sample Vote
#05 - There are too many emotions in the fic, making the piece confusing.
#20 - The development of the story was really great. The characterization was just as good.
killing in the name ofo2.
With an interest growing at 2% monthlyo3.
In the Click of a Shuttero4.
God does not play dice with the universe.o5.
Three scenarios in which Donghae draws on Kyuhyun and one in which Kyuhyun returns the favour Use the code below when casting your vote.
Eliminations#00 - (reason)
Favorite#00 - (reason)