[Behind closed eyes a sharp mind was contained. Filed to a keen edge by inward focus, and some form of weak meditation. But there was only so far the mind should be sharpened before its edge became too thin and started to crumble away, destroying the work so far. Before the swordsman would find himself peeling skin off of fingers rather than a fine dust off any cared-for weapon.
This isolation was becoming old, Sephiroth's hunger for freedom and vengeance stirred a new fight. Pushing his willpower over the influence of chemical, physical restraint. He needed to use what facilities he had available to him, and he needed to use them NOW]
[The sigh of clarity drew up long, large bubbles in the immersion liquid and for a moment Sephiroth forgot where he was. Awareness like tendrils forced their way outwards from his physical self, pumping through the spiders web like the many veins that carried life for so many. Living organisms, Jenova's cells, the Planet itself. All similar yet so very different. He saw a face flash behind his vision. pale blue and crowned silver locks to rival his own. Emerald eyes defied the weight of the liquid and shot open, a hand wrenched it's way out to grasp the ghost]
[Nothing. But the inside of this damned tube. Eyes had already shut in response to the liquid which had stung him, punished for even dreaming...he'd have cried out in frustration but Sephiroth was certain he still needed to breathe. A palm stilled on the surface of the inside of the tank remained for only a minute.]
[There were a few minds nearby that had leaned toward his awareness, offered promise. Of a few that he recognized, only a few might prove fruitful]
[Why could he almost smell her now?]
Am- ya
Maya. Did ------fix you?
[This felt new, this mind hadn't been there before. It felt bored, and close]
[Just exactly how do you think you're going to make this impression, anyway...it's not strong enough for a puppet...]
[ooc: sorry for the intrusion in the ooc-ness, Seph wouldn't leave me to anything else til I'd posted this! Could be a day or more
after last entry]