Sep 18, 2006 16:47
Failure: I did not get the job yet. they have found 2 people more qualifyed than myself. BUT should they choose to pass on the offer, then i could be next... damn it all.. hey matt! they hirin where ya work?
Sep 02, 2006 17:30
I got a job interview with a computer corporation!! STRATUS systems, they make dual reundant systems. I would be in their tech support department doing tech stuff. mwa ha ha ha ha! the interview is wednesday at 8:00am wish me luck!
Aug 21, 2006 20:55
ah so Magus (The official name of my truck) was broken into. NOTHING stolen, just damaged the window thats all called cops waiting on their answers. ah boredome extrememe, compiled with looking activly for my own land and a house on that land or for that land. nothing new other than the usual boredom.
Jul 26, 2006 10:30
Well we finnaly got rain! The bad news...... power flash blew out my power supply in my PC thus I had to go buy a new one, SO I got a BIGGER capacity one 550W blar! mwa ha ha ha ho!
Jul 23, 2006 14:03
Well I now have two paintball sets, now i just need competition mwa ha ha ha ha
Jul 03, 2006 09:49
Well it seems that FF11 has been forgoten in my mind for now.. i guess i needed a break from MMORPGs and thus im playing more and more Battlefield 2, Command and Conqueor: first decade, and Americas Army. No other news to report ATM so im off bye!
Jun 12, 2006 08:06
I have taken a break from RPGs for about a week now..... been more into battlefield 2 online playing... ranked games!!!!! ive become a good pilot and even better gunner,teamspeak..... is also nice to have.