Night Lizards and Garbage Trucks

Sep 05, 2008 12:25

Maxwell (My Son) has a habit of waking up at around 1:30 or so declaring at the top of his lungs that he "Want Meelk!!"  This is a front. Really he just wants to jump in bed with us.  Being the suckers that we are, we aquiesce so that we don't have to put up with an hour of crying before we give in anyways.

 This is all fine and good except that he has started having nightmares. Last night he had his second major nightmare.  He woke up around 2:15am screaming and crying and stood up in bed.  He wouldn't go back to sleep and insisted that we hold him and go watch TV.  Normally I would be suspicious of this, as the kid is addicted to Pixar's Cars, but everytime we passed a shadow, he would point and shake violently.

We couldn't figure out what he thought it was.  The only things that scare him this way are Garbage Trucks and Lizards.  Stacey asked him if he had seen lizards.  He nodded, pointed and said "Zizzazards".  The rest of the night was spent avoiding said Zizzards and trying to calm him down.  We finally got so tired that we turned on Cars and sat him on the couch around 3am.  We went back to sleep.

Good Parents, eh?  Around 5am he came back in our room and went to sleep.  He wanted the light on, so again we had to go back to sleep with the lights on.

This morning he got up at 8am all happy.  I went into the bathroom to get his toothbrush ready and he came running in.  He was crying and screaming about Trucks.  As I picked him up, he peed all over me.  hmmph.   I am still tired.  At least the Garbage Truck leaves after a while.  The Night lizards stay in the shadows.

sleep, garbage trucks, nightmares, lizards, maxwell

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