
Jan 23, 2015 19:00

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things, life, i guess

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Comments 12

motodraconis January 24 2015, 00:11:59 UTC
I love your art! I've missed it. Would you consider posting your work here on LJ? It's become so quiet here, it might as well be private storage. Gah.

I've no answers on the fandom thing, it's not a place I go to, I want to see fanart, I've no real interest in the rest of it (admittedly.)


sephystabbity January 24 2015, 02:15:03 UTC
I honestly hadn't even considered posting my art here. I know so few people here, that I didn't really think anyone would be interested.

Yeah, I just wanted to see pretty artwork, but I guess in hindsight I should have expected there would be a lot of drama miring up the fanart. shame,


motodraconis January 24 2015, 07:50:44 UTC
On the plus side, LJ is good for journaling artwork. On communities certainly, it'll get lost or hard to find over time. Tag it, and filter it if need be, it's a safe space.
On the bad side, I've noticed with my own art and chums that post art to LJ, even before LJ got quiet people passively consume and rarely comment. This is pretty annoying, especially when you've really put time and effort into a piece. (Which is why I made a point on trying to comment on every artwork posted to Westersorting.)

The drama is weird, I don't get how people can bitch out so much. It's supposed to be fun dammit!


sephystabbity January 24 2015, 15:30:29 UTC
True, LJ is much better with keeping track and privacy.

Haha, yeah, it is supposed to be fun, IDK where we forgot that along the way.


mezzogiorno January 24 2015, 14:16:06 UTC
I hate that about fandom, and one of mine is just like that. It's so sad, that people can't just be happy and focus on the things they love about the fandom instead of attacking one another over how they express their appreciation. I've never experienced anything so nasty before as this one fandom, and so I've really stepped away from it. I am sorry this has happened to you as well, and that it means you can't share your art in a nice environment.


sephystabbity January 24 2015, 15:24:34 UTC
Yeah, I just don't want to be a part of this fandom at all, and it feels weird to be contributing art to it, but not wanting to participate otherwise. I think I'll have to step away from it, just as you did :\


hamsterwoman January 24 2015, 20:35:41 UTC
I'm sorry you're going through this :( (And also miss seeing your art; I'm with Moto that I would love seeing it on LJ)

IDK, from my limited exposure to Tumblr, there seems to be something about the Tumblr format that just pushes drama to the forefront, and it's so difficult to have an actual conversation that it just escalates with nothing becoming resolved... It sucks, and it makes me sad that this is where the principal fannish activity has moved.

But it sounds like you've been spending your offline time really well, and in ways that make you happy, so that, at least, is good to hear!



sephystabbity January 26 2015, 14:32:54 UTC
*hugs you back* Thank you for the words of support, Anna! Yeah, everything is a lot more intense on tumblr, and I feel I've really grown exhaused of that level of energy over what is supposed to be a happy-making pasttime. I've decided it's best just to keep completely away from the drama of it, and just live my own life and not bother what other people are saying to each other :)

Thank you <3


ikel89 January 26 2015, 08:50:21 UTC
I am both happy that you get to spend time so productively outside tumblr and also sad that you feel affected by its dramas even with the limited amount of participation :( I don't think the drama as such will ever stop, as long as there are people with too much time on their hands who don't know better ways of applying it than engaging in wanks, so maybe it makes sense just to ignore it? Plus, I think so many of them, especially on tumblr, are so painfully young now, and have missed the fandoms in less trigger-happy platforms, but maybe they will grow up and know better. In situations like these I think the only thing we can do is be a wank-free human, maybe that will set an example (not to sound self-righteous, but I hope you know what I mean).

And of course, if you ever decide to post your artwork here, too, I'll be very happy to see it!:>


sephystabbity January 26 2015, 14:30:26 UTC
You know, I honestly think you're right, it is best to ignore it. I spent the whole weekend resolutely away from other tumblrs and especially the tags, going on only briefly to post art, and omg I feel so much better now. I'm just gonna be following art blog from now on and not even bother looking at the tags tbh

<3 Thank you for the kind words and support. I am going to slowly start posting my art here instead <3


ikel89 January 26 2015, 14:50:06 UTC
I shall cheer on whatever decision brings you most peace of mind, and on the pictures, of course!:)


deeplyunhip February 6 2015, 11:19:12 UTC
Tumblr sounds gross and you are further convincing me that I am the right track by not ever having one. Not that I have anything to offer any fandoms, haha.

I'm sorry to hear you had to deal with such nonsense, though. I second the request for you to post more art here - even if I don't what the topic is, I will be able to look at your lovely arts and be impressed. <3


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