Just for a change, i decided to post up fanart instead of my boring moomoo fic 8D;
i hope you dont mind the ugliness ;-;v (lolwhutt.)
... yur i know, i dont update my LJ with my fic nowadays*.
even takeru disapproves of my constant ProC-ing :|
(i hope you like it XDb comments are always welcome! (: )
media: Adobe Photoshop Elements 7.0 & Wacom Tablet
time: 40 minutes give or take v(;w;v )
*For those of you who are still waiting for photoGenic's thirteenth chapter,
please-please-PLEASE wait a lil longer okaii? ;w; i'm very sorry for the delays!
the next update will come very soon :D i promise☆
just hang in there for another day until i finish all the editing-ness for it (:
Chapter Thirteen lastly, thank you for visiting!