Hey sweetie I hope you feel better! I have an ear thing too. I went to the doctor Thursday morning since I became really dizzy and sick because of it Wednesday night. I was only in there about 30 minutes though waiting and the visit. I usually take my books with me too if I have an appointment but they are usually pretty fast there so I just played with my ipod lol.
How are you doing? Hope all is well and you feel better. ear infections suck. Miss you!
I miss you too! Life has been so crazy lately what with working full time and going to school full time. It's insane but good!
Ear infections are the worst. It sounds like you and I have the exact same thing. I went in because I woke up in the morning dizzy and it didn't go away all day. I was having a hard time even hold the phone to my ear because it made my head go all kinds of crazy. BLAH!
I would just like to say that I love that we still love the same fandoms even though we haven't talked about that in AGES. Twilight is my new love right now and I can't wait until the movie comes out! (I'm also glad to see that we also go along with the same couple...Jacob who?)
I'm hijacking this to add a little something about the Jacob thing. I was at the Breaking dawn release thing at my Borders and there was a girl there wearing a Team Jacob shirt and I turned to my friend Christina and was like, "They really do exist. I thought they were a myth." ;)
Comments 6
That movie is fantastic.
How are you doing? Hope all is well and you feel better. ear infections suck. Miss you!
Ear infections are the worst. It sounds like you and I have the exact same thing. I went in because I woke up in the morning dizzy and it didn't go away all day. I was having a hard time even hold the phone to my ear because it made my head go all kinds of crazy. BLAH!
I would just like to say that I love that we still love the same fandoms even though we haven't talked about that in AGES. Twilight is my new love right now and I can't wait until the movie comes out!
(I'm also glad to see that we also go along with the same couple...Jacob who?)
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