The Blockbuster across the street from my house closed, after being there for over a decade. The building owners divided that whole space into two separate spaces for shops, and recently it was discovered they were putting a 5 Guys in one of the spaces. Nathan and I have been waiting practically on the tips of our toes for it to open since then -
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Wow, the smoke all over the valley is gonna get intense. The Dollar Lake fire on the mountain and the central Oregon fires are getting the smoke blown into the Willamette Valley, all up in our shit. I drove my scooter for an hour and my throat is already burning, it smells like burning outside no matter where you go - and the winds are SO strong.
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So you all remember that old sketchblog I made? Lol I didn't think so. A sketchblog is not as fun as I'd hoped it would be, and I stopped doing it.
HOWEVER I think it WOULD be fun to do a toy blog! Not like the Dinosaur Toy Blog, but a blog of my own collection :) I've been wanting to take individual photographs of each one of my dinosaur toys for my
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I haven't used opencanvas in like. seven years. I've completely forgotten how to use it, and I would be extremely grateful if someone would tell me how the hell I am supposed to join someone's OC, and how the hell I host my own/invite someone (do you even invite them? wtf
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I was feeding the axolotls tonight when I noticed something moving near the surface of the water, so I looked really close and it was a teeny tiny baby fish! The little thing is just under 3/16 of an inch, not even a millimeter wide... soooooo cute and little. It must have come in as an egg attached to the hornwort I got a few weeks ago... even
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This journal entry is just an archive of previous feedback, new feedback may be left here! Only feedback for the Pokemon Collectors Livejournal community, please! Comments are locked now to encourage the use of the new feedback website - nothing has been deleted or edited, for what it is worth :)