Title: Out of the Game
Author: Elisabeth
Summary: You gotta train to stay sharp. Faith and Gunn, facing life after "Home" and "Chosen." It's better with weapons.
Rating: PG-13 for language.
Spoilers: Through the end of S7/S5
A/N: Written for
Sallyanne, for the kitchen drawer ficathon. (Master list of stories
here; the post is friends-locked.) Her request
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Comments 6
Hee. They'd so want to go and kill things together. Very cool!
BTW, this version was missing a huge chunk of the middle (bad LJ-cut tag), so you may want to reread, as the Fred part didn't so much make sense the first time I posted this.
Oh, yeah. Because I might say "No, I think it makes perfect sense. What the hell is your problem?." And then we'd, like, get into a huge flame war, and nobody wants that.
Someone on another board that's more beta-focused pointed it out to me. Total d'oh moment.
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