01)What time did you start this? 5:08am
02) Name?: pricilla
03) Date of birth? 2-16-83
04) Sex?: female
05) Height?: 5'0" perhaps add an inch, but probably not
06) Eye color?: green
07) Location?: jacksonville
08) Where were you born?: jacksonville
09) What are you wearing right now?: scrubs and a tired face
11) Do you smoke?: no
12) Do you drink?: yarp like a sailor, nah just every blue moon
13) Are you ghetto?: nah dog
14) Are you a player?: a skip-bo player!
15) What are your favorite colors?: there all the same, but i like pink these days [yea i'm soooo last season]
16) What is your favorite animal?: cats
17) Do you have any birthmarks?: i have too many freckels, so i dont know
18) Who are your best friends?:
19) Have you ever beat someone up for fun?: no
20) Are you shy or outgoing?: depends i guess, when i'm around people i dont know i'm shy, and when i'm with people i do know i guess i'm outgoing
21) Do you shower?: yes every stinken day
22) How easily do you trust people?: not really
23) Have you ever lied to your best friends?: probably
24) Do you have a secret people would be surprised knowing?: no
25) Would you ever sky dive?: no
26) Do you like to dance?: yes
27) Have you ever been out of state?: yes
28) Do you like to travel?: if things are planned out
29) Have you ever been suspended from school?: does issp count?
30) Do you want to get out of your hometown?: i dont really care
31) Are you spoiled? well scott buys me a lot of things, so i'd say yes
32) Are you a brat?: i can be
33) What's your favorite drink?: monty's hyman
34) Do you drink a lot of water? these days
35) Do you have a cell phone or pager?: no
36) Are you a role model?: yea if you want to be a loser
37) What name brand do you wear the most?: well i probably equal mossimo, urban junk, and old navy
38) What do you have pierced?: yea but i dont wear any of them any more
39) What do you want pierced?: nothing
40) Do you like getting your picture taken? usually, i'm quite a doll
41) Do you have a tan?: no, i haven't had one in years
42) Do you get annoyed easily?: yes, especially scott,.. its always the ones you love
43) Do you prefer boxers or briefs?: boxer briefs, yum!
44) Have you ever been played? played as in cheated on? HELL MOTHERFUCKIN YES
45) Have you ever played someone?: played?i am quite the player
46) Do you get along with your parents? yes
47) How do you vent your anger?: by getting really red and usually crying
48) Have you ever run away?: no, but i did live angie clements for like a month in middle school
49) Have you ever been fired from a job?: no, but i lied about being fired from one
50) Do you even have a job?: nigga please
51) Do you daydream a lot?: all the time
52) What do you have a tattoo of? somethings stupidfly
53) What are your favorite flowers?: tulips
54) Are you rude?: if i'm feeling fiesty [ooo cali"fucking"foria represent!!]
55) What was the last compliment you received?: you lost weight girlllllllll
56) Do you like getting dirty?: only if it involves mud hitting my back from bike-riding after it rains, .. but i didn't really enjoy that so NO!
57) Is your bellybutton an innie or outie?: innie, shit i ain't black!
58) What does your hair look like right now?: nearly should length[holyshite!], brown, swoop bangs.
59) When was your last real heartbreak?: 3.5 months ago
60) Describe your looks?: short, chubby, usually seen in a skirt and the same ol black shoes
61) If you had to completely dye your hair it'd be what color?: i'd like to go blond one of these days
62) Would you ever date someone older than you? i guess
66) Have you ever been skinny dipping?: yes but it was with girls
67) Do you cry a lot?: uaually once a month
68) Are you the romantic type?: yea
69) What do you like most about your body?: my earlobe
70) What do you like least about your body?: the jelly rolls and cottage cheese [hey i ain't got nothing hide, except when i'm a sitting the rolls come out of hiding!]
70) When was the last time you threw up?: in feb
71) What do the shoes you last wore look like?: i'm wearing michelle's old star shoes, they're my work shoes
72) Do you ever wear shirts to show your belly?: all.the.time.
74) What color are your underwear right now?: they are white with pop sicles on them
75) What size shoe do you wear?: 7
76) Would you pick a wedgie in public?: i usually hide in a corner
77) How are you feeling right now?: like i want to go home
78) When was the last time you were at a party?: friday
79) What do you sleep in?: panties
80) Has there ever been a rumor spread about you?: hmm the only one i remember was in 6th grade and it was that i walk with my chest out, is that a rumor?
81) What is one of your good qualities?: tits and ass
82) What is one of your bad qualities?: i'm not a very good friend, i have jelly rolls out the ying yang, i get mad at scott too easily
83) For two million dollars, would you pose for playboy?: yea but HOWEVER i might be faced with a lot of law suits due to people going blind and their hearts exploding due to the herrific sight.
84) Time you finished this? 5:28am