I know this is offtopic, but...patcatSeptember 6 2015, 16:23:20 UTC
I felt really melancholy and nostalgic this morning, so I read some old logs, and realized I'd lost track of you somewhere along the way. I thought I had no way to find you again until I remembered LJ. I hope you've been doing all right. And I'm sorry for being so scarce.
Sorry about that weird reply a few weeks ago. I was in a bit of a dark place; I'm feeling much better now. I hope you're doing all right, too. If you can, please let me know how you've been. :)
Hi hi sweetheart, please don't apologize, there was nothing inappropriate at all about your comment, I just spaced replying, I'm sorry about that. I'm glad you are here! I miss you lots! I've been really crazy up and down but I'm okay, I'm in severe pain at the moment but that's not typical, I'm not sure what's going on but I'm generally healthy and will recover eventually. <3 I culled all but like 6 eljay people because of a bunch of stupid weirdness and I got tired of people lurking and never saying anything but then obscurely referencing something I said later on another platform in a not kind way. If you're still active here I'd be happy to re-friend you if you like. <3
I'm sorry to hear you're in pain. Definitely sounds like something you'd want to see the doctor for, if you haven't already. As far as activeness goes, I still check to see whether there are any new posts or replies, but I don't really post that many new things. It would be nice to read your entries, and to be friends again, so to speak, but it's up to you. *hug*
I'm mostly on Twitter now. (I'm @thepatcat there.) Pat's rarely even on Taps anymore, although I do show up there on occasion.
Comments 5
I hope you've been doing all right. And I'm sorry for being so scarce.
I'm mostly on Twitter now. (I'm @thepatcat there.) Pat's rarely even on Taps anymore, although I do show up there on occasion.
Anyway. It was good to hear from you again. <3
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