List six/seven songs you are into right now. No matter the genre, whether they have words or even if they're any good but they must be songs you're really enjoying right now. Post these instructions, the artist and the song in your LiveJournal along with your six/seven songs. Then tag six/seven other people to see what they're listening to
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Babysitting was...a screamy, whiny, violent adventure today, as per usual. I hate it when they take longer to find the dogs than they expected, it leaves me feeling really lost. But i got 60$ today, so...whooo
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Steph is going to come over at...some point? To play Risk with Derek and Rhyssa and I...and that's going to conflict really badly with the fact that my boi will be calling later this evening and ooof was there some drama-tastic ickiness there
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taken from stimeyx13 “What lowers your stress/blood pressure/anxiety level? Make a list, post it to your journal... and then tag 5 friends and ask them to post it to theirs.” 1. baths 2. making lists 3. music 4. reading 5. double music 6. random web searches for things like "table leg"
Gwen Stefani has gone completely out of her mind. I realize it's a mid-life crisis type of thing (for hollywood, 30's is mid-life) but...I ain't no holla back girl? This shit is, indeed, b-a-n-a-n-a-s
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