Another gay quiz

Jun 07, 2005 13:09

1. What is the first thing you do in the morning? Stand up
2. What was the last really great movie you saw? Spiderman 2
3. If you could be any flavor, what flavor would you be? Grape
4. What is your favorite length of sleeve? long
5. Chapstick, yay or nay? nay
6. What do you think of when someone says the word "luscious"? jackson
7. At this very moment, if you could be anyone, who would you be? Tom Brokaw’s wife
8. When you think back to High School, what song do you think of? Smells like Teen Spirit
9. You are given $100,000 right now. What are you gonna do? Buy a second car, pay off some debt, get the D some cool stuff.
10. What is the last thing you downloaded to your computer? Acrobat 7
11. What do you do when you get completely peeved? Scream
12. Underwear: yes or no? Day-yes Night-no
13. Who is the last person you yelled at? Probably Mike
14. What is your favorite cuss word? Jackass
15. How do you like your chicken: fried, baked, broiled, grilled, sauteed, other? Grilled fo sure
16. Salt or pepper? both
17. Do you kiss on the first date? nope
18. When is the last time someone gave you butterflies????
19. What celeb of your same sex do you find most attractive? Drew Barrymoore
20. Same question, opposite sex? Jude Law
21. Favorite time of the day? evening
22. How many weddings have you been a groomsman/bridesmaid in? 4
23. Favorite Prince song? ?????
24. Worst sound in the world? A dripping faucet
25. Where do you see yourself 15 years from now? I’ll be 43. Hopefully we have a nice place, and another bambino
26. Love: fleeting or everlasting? Fleeting
27. Right handed or left handed? Right
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