ST Fic: Guilty Conscience

Oct 03, 2009 22:47

Title: Guilty Conscience
Rating: G
Author: Me aka seramercury
Author's Notes: Just so you know, this is my first time writing Chekov in any form and pardon me for not writing the accent because I was nervous enough about this. LOL!
Disclaimers: The boys aren't mine and neither is Star Trek.

Guilty Conscience. )

fandom:star trek (2009), characters:kirk, fanfic:various

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Comments 10

julietm October 4 2009, 02:55:29 UTC
Poor Pavel...*pets him


anonymous October 4 2009, 13:04:50 UTC
Aww...Can I hugz him. Love the range of emotions here. :) . Love Jim too. Mr. itakecommandofanysituation...


anonymous October 4 2009, 13:06:17 UTC
Bones here...that's me posting anon. Said I was banned from posting in your journal....


seramercury October 4 2009, 13:14:08 UTC
Who is this? I'll have to fix that then....


anonymous October 4 2009, 13:55:40 UTC
bone_lady..Carlina :) Sorry about that...most folks call me bones...


seramercury October 4 2009, 14:05:44 UTC
Okay, I think I fixed it. I'm not sure what happened there.


tinypenny October 5 2009, 00:42:41 UTC
Great story! I can't wait for the movie to come out on DVD so I can watch it over, and over, and over...


(The comment has been removed)

Re: I think... seramercury September 15 2012, 14:12:56 UTC
Thank you! :)


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