When i sent Aya's ears to Jon he came up with this idea which was just so adorable I had to do it.
Nagi's ears
another LovelessxWeiss Kreuz crossover
Nagi still had his ears. It was one of the things in the world that Crawford could depend on. Nagi had had a very hard life. He had lived on the streets. He had lived in a catholic orphanage. Then Schwartz had taken him in and Crawford had been fanatical in protecting him under the flimsy pretence of the welfare of the team. But there was not a day that went by that Crawford was not glad that Nagi still had his ears.
So that day when Nagi got up, in his little batman pyjamas and spider man underoos, because he was very small and it was the only way to get clothes to fit him, rubbing at his eyes still half asleep Crawford simultaneously swore, cried out and dropped his coffee cup.
Nagi didn’t have his ears.
Nagi didn’t notice, he just yawned and popped his microwave porridge on heat and scratched his ass as he levitated a glass for juice. “Whuh?” He asked finally as the other three just stared at him.
Schuldig went pale and jumped up from the table, “it wasn’t me.” He screamed running and locking himself in his room.
“Whuh?” Nagi repeated as the microwave dinged behind him.
Farfarello realised that Schuldig’s hasty retreat had left him the prime candidate. “Oh sweet Jesus.” He said and jumped under the table out of the path of Crawford.
Nagi actually started eating his microwave porridge, he claimed the radiation gave it extra flavour, before Crawford managed to move again. He hadn’t blinked in the meantime.
“Your ears.” He stammered finally.
Nagi carried on shovelling in his chocolate flavoured porridge, which resembled steaming wallpaper paste. “Whuh?” He said through the brown slime in his mouth.
“They’re gone.”
“No, they’re not.” Nagi said, scraping his bowl clean.
“Yes,” Crawford repeated, “they are.”
Nagi patted around on the top of his head, “now how the hell did that happen?”
The rest of the day was spent in a type of frenzy as Crawford checked every available entrance for signs of an intruder, Nagi’s sheet swith an ultraviolet light for signs of anything and Nagi’s head for signs of scarring.
He found nothing.
He made an appointment with the doctor who suggested that “sometimes this happened” even without sex. He ran all sorts of tests, mentioned a cancer victim in America who had had them mysteriously fall out and grow back. He gave him a headband that almost matched his hair with a pair of velveteen ears to hide the fact, but the doctor was clearly of the opinion that Nagi had gotten laid.
Crawford just glared at him. Nagi never was given a chance to explain.
The Esset telepath wasn’t any more helpful, he could neither explain the phenomenon nor coax Schuldig out, though he did insist that he hadn’t done anything to the boy.
Crawford was getting stressed. White hairs were appearing on his temples.
He randomly shot at Todt who couldn’t figure out why this time.
He launched himself at Omi on the street. Omi who had just been grocery shopping ran away so quickly all that Crawford caught was his headband.
He would destroy Weiss, he would kill them all, well except Ran, but other than that.
It was Ran who finally figured it out; they were discussing the rather touchy subject of Nagi’s ears. “Schwarz have a link, don’t they?” He said as he lay in Crawford’s lap as Crawford stroked his hair just as he used to stroke his ears. “Well remember just how much you can do before you lose your ears.” It was a little playful as he said it, “and we did the night Nagi lost his ears, it was the night I lost mine, remember.”
“I don’t follow.” Crawford repeated.
“Well, if Schuldig picked up on me losing my ears perhaps Nagi picked up on it in his sleep, maybe the same chemicals released in my brain were released in the rest of Schwarz.”
“You mean like that girl in Britain who ate all that chocolate and her ears fell off?” Crawford had been researching the subject after all.
“Exactly,” Ran said gently, “if chocolate can release the same chemicals and his body thought he was going through it, because Schuldig linked you all, then maybe his body reacted and that’s why his ears fell off.”
Crawford went grey, “you mean, I did it?”
There is still ONE slots left in the drabble request form,
all that remains are a murakixwatari drabble for
tokagemusumea murakixTsuzuki drabble for
clueless_psychoa CrawfordxRan drabble for
clueless_psycho she couldnt' make her mind up.
a SchuxYohji drabble for
kuro_no_diablo So far I've done a
CrawfordxRan drabble for
spiritaway called Fluff (i didn't bother with a title)
Aya+Yohji loveless crossover for
neko_no_mizu called Aya's ears
Aya+Crawford loveless crossover for Jon called Nagi's ears
ES21 Shin/Takami/Sakuraba fic for
elyndys called Hair
TatsumixTsuzuki fic for
giving_ground called Magnolia