30 hp icons

Aug 07, 2007 15:42

1-4 House centered icons
5-11 Luna
12-14 Luna's patronus
15 Ron/Hermione
16 trio (I couldn't think of any good text to put on this so if you think of something you want on it let me know and I will make it awesome for you)
17 twins
18-21 Weasley kids fanart by Ayne
22-26 Weasley fanart by acciobrain27-28 various Diana hp humor ( Read more... )

icons: harry potter

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Comments 20

megalicious August 8 2007, 04:47:26 UTC
27 is absolutely hilarious! If I was a bigger fan of Star Wars I would probably take it... but oh, it made me laugh! XD


truthanderror August 8 2007, 04:59:50 UTC
At this one point in the OOTP movie my boyfriend and I turned to eachother and were all "join the dark side..." it was marvolous.



caitlinmccreely August 8 2007, 06:29:57 UTC
Ayne made the artwork :) http://www.minstrelbook.net/hpbook/


truthanderror August 8 2007, 15:01:27 UTC
thank you so much!


tzigana August 8 2007, 09:11:28 UTC
Can I swipe 11?


truthanderror August 8 2007, 15:01:14 UTC
of course! jjust make sure to give me credit.


(The comment has been removed)

truthanderror August 8 2007, 15:11:52 UTC
I know! (too cute)


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