Title : Silent Regret
Pairing : AlbelxFayt
Rating : PG
Fandom : Star Ocean 3
Warning : angst?
Notes : This could be categorized as drabble, as this ficlet is only 309 words in total.
He could only smiled sadly at the retreating figure in front of him. He already predicted that this would end up like this sooner or later. Their world are too different from each other. No matter how many times he try to explain to him, he just wouldn’t listen to him. That is Albel Nox for you. A small misunderstanding and all the trust between them crumpled into pieces.
He wanted to defend himself, to plead for forgiveness from the older man, but no words came from his lips. He try to reach out for him, to stop him from leaving him, but it was all too late. He could only do one thing for him. It was to let him go. Maybe he’s not the one who could make him happy. Staying with him would only made them hurting each other even more.
A thousand nights means nothing to him. He would wait until eternity if he could meet him once again, just to tell him once again how much he meant for him. He was wiser now, he could see pass through his mistakes on the past. He now realized how childish he was back then. He always forced his will to the older man without thinking about his feeling. He was no better than a spoiled little princess that exist in the fairy tales.
And here he is now, standing right in front of the silent tomb that belongs to his once so called lover. He kneeled down, and put a bucket of purple hyacinth on top of the grave. He closed his eyes, and let the tears falling down into his cheeks. He caressed the tomb softly with his hand before he got up and proceeded to leave.
“I hope you can find your own happiness now, as my happiness is yours to begin with …”
a/n : purple hyacinth means forgive me